Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

138 Chap. 33. ,An Expofition upon the Book of J o B. Verf. ii dealt proudly he was above them. David challenged all the Gods. onGods behalfe(Ff l: 77.E 3.)Who is fogreat a God as our God ? Let any man name him if he can ; He is aGod above all Gods, that is, above the greatefl powers in this world who are called Gods. Thus Chrift comfortsbelievers with an affurance of fafety for ever.( John io. zg. ) My father is greater thenall , then the devill and all. But forme may fay , who knoweth riot this that God is Great, or that he is greater thenmen or'devills?fob himfelfe fpake much of this fúbjeet, yea his friends made it their bufineff:to exalt the greatneffe of God, as we may fee in feverall paffages of this 13ooke. So that Elihu feerneth to fay no more here, then had been 'fayd already , and doth nomore thenhath been done already. Is not this then a cold way of 'arguing to tell lob that which he knew already ?' For anfwer to this I (hall flay a while ( as was promifed) be- fore I goe off from thefe words,to íhewwhy though for the mat- ter this is no more then hath been fayd already ; that, yet Elihu had reafon to bring this argument for the conviction offob, that God isgreater then man ; for though the Greatneffe of God hath been often fpoken ofin the courfe of this difputation; between fob and his friends , yet neither fob nor his friends didhandle or improve it to that poynt, or in that extent , as here intended. by Elihu as may appeare by thefe following Confiderations. Firfl , WhenElihu fpake of the greatneffe ofGod, we are not tounderfland this greatneffe abflraecly or alone, but cóncreetely or in conjunólion with his goodneffe and righteoufneffe, with his mercy and faithfulnefe; &c. fob confeffed the greatneffe -of God, but heTeemed to intimate feverall things, to the difpa-. ragementof the goodneffe, mercy, and righteoufnelfe of God, For though in his frequent complainings he did notqueflion, yet 'he didmuch darken and obfcure thefe Divine perfetlions. And therefore Elihu fpeaking of theGreatneffe ofGod, urgeth it in conjunuclion withall his perfe&lions, and indeed they cannot be dif-jòyned, except innotion or difcourfe. Secondly , Elihu inffled fo much upon the greatneffe of God, to humble fob, and to convince him that he had done amiffe, inhis 'bold appeales to him and complaints, about his dealing with him. Elihu Both wifely to hold out the greatneffe and fove- raignty