Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap, 3 3, An Expotion upon the Book of J o B. Verf. i z. Z 39 raignty of God , for the keeping downe and repreflion of his yet, unhumbled fpirit. Thirdly , Elihu mannageth this argument for another end and purpofe, then his friends did. They uted it to prove fob was wic- ked or had done wickedly in the former paflages ofhis life ; He to thew that lob ought to be patient under and quietly fubmit to the prefent providences of God. Fourthly , This argument which Elihss brings from the great ttefle of God, bath not at all the lefle force in it, becaufe ground ed upon to common andgenerally received a principle,thegreat neffe ofGod-; yea, it hath therefore the greater force in it ; for what is more unreafonable then forman to intimate any thing which refledls upon God, or to complaine of what God loth ; when as God, by the common content of all reafonable men, doth infinitely furpaffe all men, both in greatnefïe, and in ribhte- oufneffe, both in Juflice, and in goodnefle. When the greatneffe of God appeares in all thefe things, what can be more unreafo- nable. then for man to infinuate anythingcomplainingly concern- ingGod. From the confederation of this fcope which E'lihu had in arguing froth the greatnefie of God ; Note. we may ffeakc andbelieve aright, that god is.great, and that he is greatter thenman, andyet not anfwer it to óùr prathfe,. nor be duly jelledwithit. . Elihu did not at all queílion whether Pb thought God grea- ter then himfelfe; that was not the poynt in controverfie : but he faw this principle was not anfwered in fobs prae&ite,or that he did not demeane himfelfe futably to the Greatnefíe ofGod,which he had proclaimed to others , and profeffed himfelfe to believe. And thus it is with manv,mofl of all with thofe under great temp- tations and preffing afflictions. How apt' are they to fpeake and a& below, yea betide thofe principles which they believe and hold forth in their profeflion. It is an ealie matter to fay, and in words to acknowledge what God hath revealed himfelfe' to be, but O howhard is it to live and walke up to fuch fayings and ac- knowledgetnents ? Many tell us, God is greater then man, vet while they doe not fully fubjeél themfelves to God,they ineffet deny, that Godis greater then man. Many acknowledge fully that