Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 3 3. An Expofition upon the Book,,of ] o n. Verf. z 2. Secondly , Note.` Thevery reafon why we doe not'hop toGod -in flence, why we doe not Pifer him quietly to doe h ur and elifpofeof su how he will, is, becaufe wedoe not lay to .heart as we ought the great.. nej7eof(od. -Did we remember, that the great God is great in `goodneffe, and great in wifdome,-as well às great inpower ; in a word, did we,when we fay God is great, and greater then any man, know what we fay, it would prefently flop our.niouthes , and for ever ffence all our difcontents & complainings, whether in reference to our perfonall or the publick oncernments. We may pray that Godwould remove any affliction or evil! that is upon us (to doe is fò not only our, liberty but our duty)but we maynot complaine of any afAi &ion, as an evill to us, nor would we ever Make loch a complaint, if our hearts were taken upwith this thought , that God isgreat in Goodneife. Why doe we fay, at any time, Surely we have luffered enough,or too much already ? Why doe we de- mand focurioufly wherefore God fhould ufe fuch feverity againfl us ? What is the reafón'ofall this ? even this, we doe not confi- der enough of his greatneffe. All our inward troubles atour out- ward troubles arifefrom this, beeaufe we doe not enough believe or not remember who God is. We by our ignorance and unbeliefe di- veft God ( -as much as in us lyeth) of his great goodneffe and wifdome, when we feare, efpecially when we conclude, things arenot ordered for our good. And though every manis ready to fay, he loathes yea trembles at fuch thoughts , yet we maylodge many fuch gueflsbefo.'e we are aware. tr'henfoever we are over- grieved at any affliction,our owne or others, or would (without much free fubmi!fìon to the will of God ) have thingsgoe orherwife then they doe, we, upon the matter, make our [elvesgreater and wifer then God. And though this be farre from our purpofe, yet we cannot avoyd ïheiimputation of it. That which is not (as force diftin- gui h ) the aime,fcope, and intendment of the fpeaker or a}or may yet be the aime and fcope of his a&ion, worke or fpeech ; no doubt fob was very farre from the leafs thought of diminish- ing much more of denying the greatneffe of Gód, either in his power, wifdome, or goodneffe, yea (as was granted before) hé fpákevery highly:of him in all thefehis g us and divine per- I i fecions; 241