Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

ap, 3 3, An Expof:tiorr upon the Bookof J oit. Verf. 13. 243 Elihu chofe this as the mail commodious and effedidall argu- ur nova qus ment, tocompofe his fpirit, andquiet !aim after all his difiempe- z f ii,pMert: red and tumultuating complaints; nor bath Elihu yet done argu- ing downe the bight and unquietneffe of Yob's fpirit. We have ' him both reproving him for it by way ofqueffion, and giving him another unanfwerable argument againfl it , M the next verfe., Verf. 13. Why loft then f rive apinghim, for he giveth not account of any ofhù matters ? The words are a reproving queflion ; As ifhe had fayd, Thou dolt ill, very ill to (+rive. There is a four-fold (+riving, three of which areheld forth in Scripture under the word of the text. Firf+ , There is a (+riving with outward force andpower , ei- n'ñ canende- ther perfonally man with man ( properly called contention) or it periznet ad more generally, nation with nation, properly called warre. iudiczalem forenjèm Secondly yd There is a legall firiving á i+rivingbyway of lea ad dei i a Y y Plea, ad lei tribunal about matters of right and title. The word in the text chiefly -- infiituendamç imports fuch ajudiciary Driving, a firife inlaw,when the adverfe quad fæpe Po- partyor 1'laintiffe impleads andcommenfeth his fuit againf+ the J'' l °b, Defendant. Striving is taken in this fence and ioyned with war- ring in the defcription ofthat conrefi which 9ephtah hadwith the King of the Children of Ammon ( Judgt r r. zs.) And now art than any thing, better then Balakjhe fonof Zippor king tit' Moab ? did he everftrive againfl Ifrael ? or did he ever fight afainft them ? That is, did he either make warre with Ifrael, or did he fo much as challenge and plead hisright ro their landby law ? That Other name which foafh Gideons father occafionrlly gave him (3ndg; 6. 31, 32.) takes part from this word Therefore on that day he calledhim ferubbaal, ,laying, Let Baal plead againf him, becaufe he hash throwne downe hi,. altar. As if he had fayd, Let Baal come and enter his ac`lion againP nay Son if he pleafe ; and let my Son alone to anfwer him. Thirdly , There is a logical! ¡Irking, or a flriving by dint of argument and reafon. Thus difputants f+.rive ; and Bcoks of con- troverfie about mattersof faith and wont -, ipare called Bookes of Polemicall Divinity. Nor indeed bath any kind of (+rife been carried on with higher and hotter anirnofities then thofe manna- gedby tongue and pen in writingand difputing, -1 a 2 Fourth-