Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

244 Chap. 3 3. AnExpoftion upon the Book of Jos. Verf. 3'._ Fourthly,. The word isapplyed toany angry paffionate chide- ing and complaining. Thus tis ufed in that 'famous hiftory ( Exod 17. )where the people of Ifrael (having. journeyed from Sin andpitched. in Rephidim, v. 1.) did chide with Mofes : from which ac, (y: 7th)He called the place Maffa and,Meribah,becaufe of the chideingof the cleidrenofIfrael, and becaufe they tempted.the Lard, fayi%gr, Is the Lardamong us or not ? Becaufe the people of IfraèIt}rove with Mofes, or rather with God himfelf; , There- fore to keepe them under the fence of this fin and provocation, (jl!Iofes called the name of the placeMeribah ,. which figni6eth Striving. In this lalt fence,.as ufed by way of chide- ing and complaining we are ro.underhand is here. why doff thou ff-rive.again.ft haml ? (faith Elihu) That is, why doeft thou chide and complaine about the dealings of Godwith thee ? or becaufe he will not render thee a reafon of his dealings with thee in this afliielion. yob made many ftriving and chideing complaints, his ñrft were eminently -fuch (Chap:. 3. at.)why dyed I not from the womb ?-why did I not giveup the ghofi when I came out of the belly ? ,why did the knees prevent me, or why thebreath, that fhouldfucke? He chideth hard about the hardneffe of his conditi- on in this life, whochideth becaufe he liveth: Read him in the fame language (Chap: t o.1â.) and in a language not much-unlike it in feverall other places. Yea yvb loth < I fay notformallyyet ertually) call out or challenge God more then once to plead with him, and make good his caufe againa him. Why, loft thou ftrivewith him ?; Fox laegivet& noaccount ofany ofhiss matters: The word fignifieth properly to -aafwer, and fo the text might well enough -be rendred here out of the originall, he. anfwereth not. Mr Broughton faith, Plenrill not fpeake. for all his dealings. If Ifanymandemand of God a reafon of his doings, he may chufe . whether he will give it him or no : He will not be brought to a,- reckoning:Ht will not,he-needethnot to anfwery or give an account Of anyof his matters, or, of anyófhis words.. ya. -121 . 'Tis frequent in-rhe Hebrew to expreffe matters orthings, by this word, which in ftri&nefs fignifieth but a word: (Chap: 1 y.. a.11, ), Seeing the root.of the matter (.the text is the root of the word ).