Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

20 Chap. 32, An Expofition upoït the Books, of J o s. Verf. z; Thushe difeharged himfelfe -of thofe,drimesy which indeed he never committed norwas guilty of. . Secondly, .Wemay juhifie our felves lawfully, when the good . we have done.ischarged uponus as anevi1 deed, or- we looked; upon asevil! doers,, when we have done, nothing bribematter, but out duty,and that iirthe:manneraccording to rule.Tliul when Pao/ had juilified himfelfe, by denying the evil! which`Tertaillu-s., accufed him of, (-4t s24.,I2,-r 3..) he prefently=jttflified him- felfeallo inwhat he had donewell, though.his enemies judged it evil!( Ver.. 14.:) Botthis I confoffei.thát after--the way which they call heretic, fo worfhip.I the.God,cfmy f ithers, beleeving all things,. which.are written in the Law and-the Prophets. This.felfe-juf ih- cation is often very needful! ; For as there are fome who calle- viil -good, fo there are-others, Who call good evill,,and make that a -mans fault: which- is his,commendation.- It was accounted a c -rime byforne of oldtobe lei3e vidoús then others, and it is ac- counteda crime by fome at this day to be more vertuous then ofhers; tobe more holy , more exa.a, more wifely precife and circumfpe& in our wayes then arhárs, manyinterpret folly, and hemp with madneffe. ( 2 Corinth. 5. i 3.) Paul was thought, be- "¡tit him1i; e,ameere Fanatick in his high a&tngs for Jefus Chrifl; when our actions are thus mif-reprefented, and- put under fuch difguifes, every good man is obliged -to doe himfelfe right. For as we may honeflly.accufe others, and declare the eviti that we- know they havedone, when called to, it ; fo we may fpeak out anddeclare the good we have done, &- niaintaine that tobe good. ( ifitbegood) which we have done, ( thoughmany call it evil! ) when called toit. Thus a manmay hand upon his termes with all men, and yet be humble, and deeply fenfible of his owne fin- fullneife'and vilenefle before God. Paul law nothing, upon the matter, but fin inhimfelfe ( Rom. 7. 14, 24.. ) i hen 1would doe good, eviti is prefent- withme O wretched man- that .I am, who ;hall deli2'er me from the body -ofthis death ; That is, of fin; as 'tis called ( Rom, 6.6.) Thus he fpake whenhe had to doe with God ; But when he had to doe with men, when he law himfelfe called to anlwer the accufations,and wipe offthe afperfions which the enemies of the Gofpel: caf+upon him. (I Corinth. q.. 4.) then he faith, Iknow nothing ( that is, no evil!) by myfelfe. Paul was very confciousof his naturall infirmity, yet very confident of his, fpiri