Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

22 Chap. 32. An Expoition upon the Book of J o B. Verf. take up Orin and his righteoufneffe for }unification, pet it will. be found a fe.lfe-juf tifi.cátionOnly ; feeing unleffe Chrifl junifi us 'wholly,he juflifieth usnot at all ; As the Apoffle concludes-( GR- lat. 5. q.. ) Christ is becomeofno effeCt untoyou, whofoever ofyo.4 ire ju.ftifzed by, the Law ; ye are fallen fromgrace ; That is, yet whomingleyour workeswith Grace, are not jufified by Grace, but ( which will be ( uniefle repented -of) your condemnation ) by your workes. Laltiy , They junifie themfelves finfully, who fay they are ju- flifietiby Chrift from their fins, while they continue in their fins, and hold fall their iniquities ; For as they thatmingle their owne goodworkes with therighteoufneffe of -Chrifl, are felfe-juftifi- ers,fo alloare they that take hold ofthe righteoufinefle ofChrifl, -while they will not let gee, -nor part with their evill workes. To Tooke for juflification while we continue in'the love and praetife of any knowne fin and unrighteoufneffe, is as finfull as to expea jullification by our owne righteoufneffe. O6jetl. But Both not the Scripture fay, that God-jisi:fteth the ungodly ( Rom: 4.5. ) Ianfwer, Though God junifieth the ungodly, yet the ¡unified are not ungodly ; God juflifieth the ungodlyand-makes them holy by-the grace of fanaification, as well as righteous by the grace of junication : righteoufneffe of life is alwayes the fruit ofrighteoufneffeby faith. Therefore ifany man continuing in any knówne fin, faith he is junified, he hath junified himfelfe, for none doe fowho are juflified ofGod. 0 howdeeply are they condemnedby God who thus junifie themfelves ! Nothing is more defirable then to be junified by God, and tothing is more dangerousthen to junifie our felves, either by our owne righte- `oúfneffe, or inour unrighteoufnefle. Now as to juflifie our felves any of thefe wayes, is exceeding finfull before God, fo to junifie our felves anyway, layeth'us open or obnoxious to the cenfures of men.Ard that's the reafon why this holy man Tab was fo deep- ly cenfured '; For though he¡unified not himfelfe in any ofthoí'e fences which are are finfull, yet he did fome Way juflifie him- felfe, and while he ¡unified himfelfe only as he might, he was condemned as having ¡unified himfelfe in á way which he might not. We hadneed be very cautious, how we any way or inany kinde junifie our felves, few havingdone it without incurring cenfure, ifnot condemnation from others. But