Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

28 ; Chap. 32. An Expofition upon the Book, of' pò a. Verf. y greilion ; And as there. Solomon teacheth us, that difcretion ma- ilereth ang;r, fohe affureth us, that angry perfons are more then indifcreete,foolifh. (Ecclef 7.9.) Anger refleth in the bofome: sffooles.' Amer g.often aflaults the prudent, but if it abides and takes up its lodging in any bofome, 'cis in the boiome of a fool ;. at leaft, in that poynt,he doth foolilhly who lendeth his bofome ( thoughbut one night) for anger to lodge in.Andas at all times, fo then efpeciallywe fhould narrowly watch and feverely bridle our'paflions, when (as Elihu here did) we undertake to advife . those who are miftaken, or to reduce thofe that are out of the way ; when we give counfel to others, we fhould be fedate and quiet our felves. A Phyfcian muff not be angrywith his patient, nor is it proper to apply medicinali healing counfel to the mind of another with an exulcerated minde. Much might be faid con- cerning this anger, of Eau, but I have fpoken to that before in opening the former verfe,therefore I (hall not flay here upon it but proceed toconfider the region why he was fo. Becaufe they had found no anfwer, and yet had condemned fob. Not to find an anfwer may proceed; Piet} , From a defect of aaines and induflry in feeking it Ananfwer muff be fought anc digg'd for, it mull be fludied and- prayed for, elfe it will not be found. Secondly , The not finding of an answer, may ari . from the defeet of ability,not of indullry ; many labour hard, but can make' nothing of it 'Tis probable Yoh three friends laboured much, yet foundnoanfwer And then it was no defe& of indu(lry but' of ability, they found no anfwer, becaufe they could not. They. ( as we commonly (peake) did even beate their braines, and bite" their nayles for an anfwer, but could not attain it , they pumpt hard, but the water wouldnot come, God hid the thing from their eyes ; fothen, they hadnot found any anfwer, becaufe after all,their fearch they Couldnot nor fhould it feeme (}range to us that they could nor. At heft we know but in part here, and till God by his Spirit teach us, we knownothing at all ; So that I fay, it fhould not feeme ftrange tous, that thefe wife and good men could find no anfwer for lob, but that which follows feemes grange, even to amazement, that though they could not, yet (.,which