Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 3 2. An Expoftion upon the Book of ,] 'o a. Verf. 3. (which, how alfo could they anfwer to their ovine confciences'. ) had condemned Yob. What,- condeme a man, andnot anfwer him ? 'tis worfe then to condemn;, a man, and not hearehim. Poilìbty he that is con-* demned unheard, maT yet deferve a condemn ion; But if we condemne aman unanlwered, he certainly, as tous, is condem- ned undefervedly. And therefore this courfeof proceeding (if any) is liable notonly to fulpition whether it be right, but to condemnation as utterly unrighteous. Though it maybe a good mans cafe not to find an anfwer yet furely a good man: will not condemne when he cannot anfwer. But it may be demanded ; Did Yobs friends indeed find no anfwer before they condemned him ? we have heard of their an- fwers all along. No fooner had job ended his former fpeeches, but they prefently answered ( Chap. 4. a,) 'Then Eliphaz the remaniteanfwered andfa:d (Chap. 8. r,) Then anfwered Bildad theShuhite andfad (Chap, a I. r.) Then anfwered Zophar the - Naamathire andfa:d ; yea they'all three anfwered job a fecond time, and twoof them a Third, how then could Elihu juflly fay, . theyfound no anfwer, and yet had condemned job ?' Fors anfwer to this obje&ion; I fay, They anfwered fob, but theydid net anfwer fufiîciently.. The vulgar latine tranflation puts this gloffe ( which is more then the rulés of tranflation al- low ) into-the text, rendringthe originall thus -; Becaufe theyhad Ea pad non found no rationall anfwer, . andyet had condemned job. They did inven¿IJent re- not find out nor hit upon the right anfwer. Improper and infuffi-?°n `o ns ra /dent anfwers, how many foever of themweheape up againil any Vuig: mans argument, are noanfwers, they arenot worthy tobe called anCwers. That only is an anfwer which carrièth a convi&ion in it, which reacheth the (late and fürengthof the queftion, or remo- veth the obje&ion. In this fence Yobs three friends anfwer,andethadcondemned job; The Hebrew theymade himWicked, or condemned him as a 111''tD1'11 wicked man. So the Septuagint, theyhad no anfwer for him, and eSçvTaosv-- yet concludedhint wicked ; we fay , theyhad condemnedjob ; and ti -rae ú- aR"r. the reafon of it is, becaufe to condemnea man is to leave -himun_- Sept: Cr Po° der a fuppofal ofwickedneffe, and to fligmatize or brand him for fuerunr eun3 . a:"wicked man. All the wicked fhall:at fate be condemned; and e, e',ptwo:. none..