Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

34 Chap. 32.,, An Expofition upon thi Boob of J o B. Verf. 4. O B. Chap. 32. Verf. 4, 5, 6, 7. Now Elihu had waited till job hadfpoken : becaufe theywere elder then he. When Elihu fenv that there was no anfiver in the' mouth of' theft three 'wen, then his wrath was kindled. AndEli his the for ofEarachel the Buz.ite anfwered And j' id l; art young,; andye are very old, where- ore I was afraid, anddeerft notflrewyou mine opi- nion. I faidDayes fhoulal fpeak, and multitude ofyeares fhould teach wijdonse. its context afiignes the reafon, PHI, why Elihu forbare fo' long to fpeake, namely, becaufe he was young, that reafon you have in the 4th verfe, as also in the 6th and 7th. Secondly, . whyhe began at Taft to fpeake, namely, becauìe his elders, thofe grave ancient men would or could fpeake no more. This he layes <aowne in the 5th verfe, WhenElihufat,/ that there was no anfwer in the nnuth of theft tierce íncn, then &c. Verf. 4. Nom Elihu had waited till lob hadfpokeIt. The Hebrew is, He expelled job inwords 7'ob was long in words,, or he fpakèiong in many words andall that while Elihu', waited,he kept filent ; but when fob had fpoken out, and .Elibee had flaydfont time after, to fee whether either himfelfe or his friends would fpeak again, thenhe began. Mr Broaghron tran_ ín11 parten- flares, yet Elihu" waited to (peak, with "job. The word notes the temexpe8ario- mofl'patient expe&ation, awaiting with much, longfufferance,. nemfonat qua awaiting alfo inmuch confidence, as refervingg our felves till dtadmus i ma- better times, or for, amore favourable difpenfation. So the word 111, nos bus melionbus fer- is ufed ( Dan, r2. t 2.) Bleffeel is hethat waited), and cometh to i+antes,. Bold. the thosefand three handred,andfiveand thirty layes ; that is, Blef- fed is he that waitethout thofe dayes of the Prophecy there fpe cified ; he hath aklretched outpatience,,that waiteth tothevery late