-Chap. 3 z. An Expofr'ti`6n upon .the Bookof B. í Verf. 6. cneffe amiforbearance andJoni-fuffering, not knowing that thegood-, nefeof God leads thee to repentance t but after thy hardneffe and impenitent heart, treafureft up wrath, &c. As if he had laid, the morepatience God fpends upon thee, the more wrath is treaftr- red up for thee, and that wrath will break out the more fiercely ,and violently to confumethee, the longer it bath been treasured up. Nos I lay, as the wrath of God is the more declaredagainft -man, byhow much his patience is the more abufed; So the abufed -patience of man will turn to greater anger, and he groweth the more pallionateby howmuch he bath been the more and theoft mer deceived. ThusElil u is flill defcribed actingangerly, yet in the very next verfe vw'e (hall findhim fpeaking foberly, plainly and to. purpofe. Verf. 6. AndEau the fox; ofBárachell the Brszire anfwer'ed andfail. When. Elihu faw thefe three men gravel'd; and that after all the outcry they made againflfob, they were forced to leave shim- -as they found him , unconvinced of thole crimes, of that hypo- criGè, which they had layd tohis charge, he hereupon fawhim - felfe engaged to undertake the Matterand offer hisopinion. Concerning Eliha, his name; his fathers name,`Barachel, his -tribe or flock, a Buzite,1'have fpokenat the zd verfe, and íháí1 not adde any thing of it here ; only take notice, That here Eau begins his own preface ; The former parr of the Chapter con- tained the report of the divine hiflorian concerning; Elihu ; but there are the words ofElihu himfelfe; herehe begins like anO- rator to gaine favour with and attention ofhis hearers,or topre- pare the minds of his hearers to receive what he had to fay ; And upon this fubje& or piece of Rhetoricke ( making Prefaces `)he fpends the whole that remaines of this Çhapter. And Elihu,&c. aefwered andfaid, Iam young, and ye are very old ( that is it which he faid ) therefore Iwas afraid and durfl notPhewmine opinion. As if he had faid, /am confcious to my felfe of the weaknefJe which accompaniethyowth ; Ivery well know my own incompetency forfuck a worke ; I-Rmyntng. G The