48 Chap. 32. Ar: E.xpoftion wpm the Book, of J o B. Verf. a. Hence obferve firí}. We may well expo.7 rhey'horrid be very ruife, and knowing, who have hadmuch wanes, andmany epporrunities of obtaining knowledge and taifäome. And therefore we have reafon to expe& much wifdome. from thofe who havé had a multitide ofyeares, paf} over their heads C:rufsfü cienhis a common rule 'in Logick,Wlemfufficrent carries are put inaît, "tibuo pofatn in the .effe1t muff needs follow ; And fo where probable caufes are in amt neeelrario acì, probably the erfe& will follow. Old men having been well pguimr Fife- brought up in youth, and having had faire opportunities to a_taine knowledge and wifdome, are rightly prefuthed and judged well flor'd and f}ockc with both. Where (hall we finde wifdonie; if not among the Ancients ? where, if not among a multitude or throngof yelres and dayes ? where elfe fhould we look for. it ? Thall we goe and enquire among thegreene heads and youngbe- ginners for it ? (hall we goe to novices and children for it ? We :may fay, furely they who have been long taught, have learned much,furely they who have heard many foule-fearching Sermons, and continued from day to day under the droppings of divine truths, are full of fruit and very fruitful! ; whether !hall we goe for fruit elle, ifnot to thefe ? {hall we goe to thofe that live as upon the mountains of Gilboa, where David pr;yed no raine .might fall ? f1iall we goe for Gofpel-fruit to thewild naked un- taught Indians and Barbarians, or to the rightly inf}ituted and. plen:ifullyinftrueted Churches of Chrif},?maywe not more then fay, conclude, furelythefe are wife, ,and full of fpirituall under- ;Z nquamere (landing.? The Roman Orator Cicero took it for granted that his IYlarcebiliAn "fon Marcus was well grounded in and plen:ifuliy furnithed with num dam "di- the princi ks of Philofo;phy, becaufe he had been at Athens a Cramp- whole ea e, and there heard Cratippus a famous Philofopher gum idq; Athe y r nie abundare read "many excellent Le&ures about things natural and morali. oporterprecep- And may we not fay to many thoufands of Gofpel-hearers and tis infl-itutfq; rofeifors what.? youthat have heard fuch, and filch able Mini- philofophi.e, poi. oil that have had the word fo longpreached, and that at Or. Cic: de r Y h ap r oiñ: lib.:r, London ( more famous for Gofpel knowledge, then Athens for philofophy) furely you are filled with all knowledge in the my- fieryof Chrift, and with all goodneffe in the pra&ice of goali- nefíre. And doubtle{fe,the Lord will argue it with thofe that have had