Chap. 32. An E.xpofitión upon the Book of o B. Verf. 7. The Apcf le flumes the HebreWes with this, and tells them they were dullof hearing (Heb. 5. it, .I 2.) becaufewhenfor the time they ought to be teachers they had needthat onefhould teach them., opine which be the frf? principles of the oracles ofgod, and were becomefach ashad need of rraili e and not of firong meate; As if he had raid; When for the time, dayes, and yeares, which have gone over your heads, ( the reproofe lyes there) you fhould beable to teach others, what a fhame is it that you your felves (hould not be capable of thofe higher teachings, which he calls .firong meat, but mull be dealt with about the very principles ofReligion, and be fed like Childrenwith milke and fpoones ? How is it that you who (Ionic' have had fencès exercifed to difcerne bothgood & evill, fhould be ío little able to dillingutlh them, either intheir kinds or degrees. Thefe were fpirituallyChildren, while naturally old men ; They had not learned of their teachers, whentheApolile had reafon to hope theyhad been able to teach learners, yea were learned teachers. Some are exceeding old,&exceeding ignorant, they have multitude of dayes upon them , yet if asked, they are not able tohold forth the ieafi Number of divine tuths, potlì- blÿ not one in a right underlianding ; ,4sgray haires are a crowne ofglory when found in the wayof righreouf tefr, fogray haires are crowns ofglory, wìen found in a way of wiidome,knowledge,: and underfianding,otherwife tobe old anddotifh,old and fottith, how di1,.onorable is it ! yea, they that are old and ignorant, (hall at (aft linde their old age, a firong aggravation, asof alltheir fins, fo efpecially of their. ignorance. ] O B,