To the Chriflian Reader. andhumbly acknowledge the goodnefs ofGod in ;Ovine to doe it,fuchas it is(Ifay) Ifreely ten- der it toyourfavourable acceptance,&' dedicate it to the gloryofGode. the commongood: know- ing that it is both myduty and Intereft to 'hew thefmall improvement though but of one Jingle talent, rather then, either throughfloath orfla- vifhmodefty to hide it in a Napkin. In the prefatory Epi,file to the fecondpart of this bookthere was anendeavourof adifcovery concerning the diflin6 opinion of Jobs three friends, as alfoof what bimfelfe held faft and inffledupon all along in diflin5lion from theirs. Andnow that Ihavedone with all that wasfaid onbothfides by the difputants, and am come to open the difcourfe of Elihu, who appeared as }4odeiator to give a determination about the Great Ql_teftion,fo long ventilated among them; it mayfeeme fomewhat nece f fary,and Iam much perfwaded(ifinany competency attained)it will not be unprofitable, to give The Reader a briefe pro#eêI of what Elihu aymeth at and cloth in this his large and accurate difcourfe, continued in fixe Chapters throughout and divided into (befides his Generallpreface which takes up the whole thirty fecondChapter) foure remarkcable fey ions. Elihu MMINEW