Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 34. An Expofttioe upon the Book, of J O B. Verf. 3o. 783 feeing nothingdoth moreenfnareus then our own fins. And as force are led into fin by fnares which others lay for them ; fo otx ó t' verymany by finning bring themfelves into fnares : and ufually c>ocec°z', when a people have entangled themfelves in the fnares of fin,áxodluoxo- God Pets evilmen at once to rule over them and entangle themTfataxñ, with the fnares of chafe fufferings which are molt proper CO their Forte interpre- lins, terpre`iclCO And thus 'tis conceived Elliott anfwers thofe expoffulating de_cunt puttfia o- mands which gob purs (chap, a i 7.) Whereforedothe wicked live ? !tn voealia de becomeold ? yea, are to power ? Here are three q ueftions eQent tere y y P 9 7yöt regna- Firft, Why do they live ? they are not worthy to breathe. Se- refacienr, condly, Why becomethey old ? they deferve to be cut off in their Druf. youth, andnot to live out half their dayes. Thirdly, Why arefit,' 1 ISr they mighty ? Why do they command all, who ufe their might only to domifchief ? Ehhu anfwers thefè queflions in a word, Pr'ópp eróf: God giveth powerinto the hands of evil men, becaufe of the fins Eèndcula po- of the people. As if he had faid, if at any time you fee thepuli. Nam Zit wicked ingreat power and profperity, 'tisa figne the people are etiam propter very wicked, andGod will punifh and fcourge them by the handsfgDruf ngat.. of fuch for their wickednefs. P4pit & ita Thisis atruth, and much is faid by fotne Interpreters for the accipi, nere- making 'of itout froni the Text; but taking it as 'tis given,I thall gnet homo' only give you two Notesfrom it. hypocrite, . quo guidon;reg Firft, Bad Princes are fet up by the perm: on, yeadifpofitionofnabot ob e'en. God. diculapopuli, . ut utriufque. - He makes .evil men to reigne. The fame power which brings&Rego & wicked men into . the world; fets wicked men high in the world.Populi.deliftrtn_ It is of God that any wickedman bath aplace inthewo, Id, and itnaetur. Merc.. is of God thatany wicked man gets into the high places of the Cujojt , ho- world. AIL theKings of Ifrael from fire to laft were (lark naught,mines nofcun- and verywicked,. . yet ethey were all of God's fetting up, though tut hujus juffu their own ambition, or the fatisfying of fone IufI, rut molt ofAY / reges con them upon afpiring toget up. In the firff bookof the Kings (chap fi t ÿuit , r r. 29, 3o, 31.). nAhtjah theProphetfinding jeroboam (the firfttempore ab ip. and wo:ft of them) in the way, caught thenewGarment that w&fsregnantu...' on him, and rent it into- tnelve pieces, and he faid unto f erob,am,Irene.l.5,c, take thee tenp'ece.; for thoufaith the Lord,the Godof lfrael,heh la, 24. rend the Kingdom out of thee hand. ofSot'emon,andwillgive t,n