Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

786 Chap. 34. An Expofìtion :Ion the Booz of J O B. Verf.3©;. Veto quibufddcaufe we were worthy tohave a man ofyear warthlefnefsjet over as, mals tenquem, The learnedMoralif} treating of the righteous, though late ven- oft, tt- of God uponmen, bath this aflage God (faith he )afeth fog 0, ad fu- 3 p P a , oowndum de a- fame men as tormentors toofflitl- and puni fh ethers. whisk is verifi- ¡iisp enos;qudd ed in mall tyrants. Stich abitter medicine was Phalaris in his time verum el)-e de to the Argentines , and Marius to the Romanes. St Augu¡line plerifq; tyran- fpeaking of Npro, maketh this conclufion ; Thepower of govern- Tale armed cr- ment is notgiven, no not to fach, bat bytheprovidence of the moif ?" medico- 'newton fiat high Cyod,when he judgeth the affaires or manners ofmankjndejufb Argentina ly defer-seand call forfilch Lords andMaßers, Phalan", Ma-, O let nations take heed ; The fins of apeople, are the wort} rPi se. flares of a people ; finprovokes God to fet up Princes for a fnare. fera Num: As therefore thePfalmif} admonifheth Prince!, Be wifenow there- Vindida. foreO yeKings, and learned yejudges of the earth fo I may fay, Etiam telibus Be wife, Oye people, and obedient allyou that are inhabitants of the (Neroni fciii- earth, ferve theLordwith feare, and rejoyee before him with trem- cet) dominandi bltn r e the Son fubmit to efus Chrif} left he be angr and peteffatnanda- e,:ll' ( J ) l g y, fur n f fummi give you fuch Princes and Powers, or put you into fuch hands a dei providetia, fhall break and vex you topurpofe, and makeyou knowwhat it is panda res hu- to ferve men in rigour,having p ealibus demnis refuted to ferve Godinlove. Many manor judicat i in ali nations are apt tocomplaine much, when they have anybur- dignas. Aug: dens- upon them by Governours, but few complaine of their owne lib: 5. de Civ: fins,'which caufeGod toburden nations with fuch Governours dei. cap.iç. let alhleave off complaining of evill Governours, and complaine more of their owne evill government, both of their hearts and lives. Thus we fee how this text according to thefe di.flincI tranfla- Lions, Fill}, gives warning toPrinces , That thehypocrite reigne not, left the people be enfnared ; and, Secondly, gives warning to people, that theyprovoke norGod by their fcandalous offences, to fet-wicked Princes and Powers over them. O