Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

788 Chap.34. An Expofition upon the Book, of Jo B. Verf.3 i. mitring repenting childe, fpeakes to a difpleafed father, when he is under his rod, ( yet fuch as become the molt aged and Browne men in grace) I have borne chafli fervent, I have been under thy correbting hand, forgive me Omy father, I will doe fono more. Thus EYibu advifethfob, tobefpeak God his father while he was affliaing him. Some render the fermerpart of this verle, by way of interro- gation, or queffion, Rath hefaydunto God ,I have borne chafïife. ment, I will offendno more ? hath fob fpoken thus to God ? As if Elihu ( making his appeale to theby-faanders) had fayd, Te all are witneffes thatJob loath notyet humbled himfelfe under the cor- refling handofGod, but rathercharged Codwithfeverity, in deal. ing with him , and over, boldly enquired into the reafonof hisdeal- ings. Our affirmative tranflation carrieth the fame fenfe with this interrogative, and quellioning tranflation ; for when Elihu faith to Job, It is meete to be fayd unto God, Ihave borne chaffsfe- ment; he fuppofeth, that fob had not fayd fo. Surely it is meete tobe faydunto goal. The Hebrewparticle which we renderfurely, commonly figiii- fieth,for , as giving an account or reafon, of fomewhat that went before ; yet we render it well both here, and elfewhere, fore/7, according to the fcope ofthe place;efpecially feeing Elihu fp'eak- ing thus, is not giving a reafon ofwhat was fayd before, but in- ferring a duty from it. Againe , The word meete, is not exprefly in the Hebrew text, yet it is clearly implyed in it, and therefore added by our tranflators to fill up, and cleare the fenfe; the originall is, It is to befaydunto God, we fay, It is meets tobefayd unto God, I have borne chafli fement. The word chafli fement alto is not exprefly in the original, there it is only, I haveborne, but becaufe bearing muffneeds im- port, that fomewhat is borne as a burthen, and feeing according unto the fubjeól matter that Elihu is uponwithfob,it muff referre to fame ofli&ionor chaflifement laid uponhim therefore we fit- ly fupply this word chaflifement, It is to befaydunto God, I have borne ; what ? (it cannot be meant of any outward corporall bur- then, or vifible loade fayd upon his back _but, I have borne )' cha>