Chap. 3 2. A Expaftion upon the Boek of J o B. Verf. 8. - 6i Againe , There is afperit L man] and the Infpiratien ofthe Alntightygiveth them underfianding; Theword is Enos, weake man. Hence Note. Godcan make the weakel- and the un1ikeliefi of men wife and full ofunderf$anding. It is no matter what the man is,,if Godwill ufe him ; he can make Ems tobe Ifh, the weake man ftrong, the ignorant a lear- ned a knowing man > ; Amos was a husbandman, and God gave. him an excellent underfianding ; the ApoPles were Fifhermen, and yet the.Infpiration of the Almighty. made themwi e.above many ;,God can make the wife foolish, and fooles wife. The power of God triumphs over all humane power ,.and in all hu- mane infirmity. So much. the Apofile teacheth (t Cora t. 27: ) Clod bath chafen the feoli fh things of the world to confound thennfe, and the weak! things of the worldly confound the things which are mighty ; Andbafe things of theworld, ,and things which are de- fpifed bathGod chafen, yea and thing, which are.not, to bring to nought things which are, that nofiefh fhouldglory in his pretence. God chufeth chofe things which have the greateft improbility for his worke, that the power ana fucceffe of theworke may be a fcribed to him alone. When we chufe,we fhould chufe thole that are fit for the worke,to which they are chofen ; we fhould not chufe a foole to góverne, nor one that is of low parts himfelfe to teach others ; we should pitch upon, the wife + and ablefi we can get. Jofeph Paid well toPharoAh (Gen. 41. 33. ) Look? out a mandfcreer and=wife, and fet him-over .tbe Land ofEgypt. We cannot make men wifer then they are, . and therefore we muff chufe and take thofe that are wife to doe our worke. But whhen. God comes to doe his worke, he often takes the foolish and the weake, becaufe as he calleth them to, fo he. can fit them for his worke: As the firongeft oppofition of. nature againfi grace . cannot hinder the worke,of the Spirit whenthe Spi it comes, he will make a proud man humble, a covetous man liberali, an. uncleane perfon modefi and temperare ; fo the weaknefie of nature cannot hinder hisworke. Nil man be low in parts , God can raife him ; Our of the mouthsofbabes aid fuckfiorgs haft thon ordainedftrength ( Pîä1.8,. 2.) .or (as Chrifi alledgeth that text, Muth.