Chap. 39.. An Expoftaon upon the Book of B. Verf.3 I. brought uponour felves, there hath not been a drop in our cup more then we have given jut} caufefor, Therefore hath thi Lord watchedupon the evil, and brought it uponus, for the Lord our God is righteous in all his works, which hecloth, for we obeyed not his voice; thefe are words fit to be fpoken untoGod. Secondly, Weare to take to our felves felf-condemning, fed abafang, felf-emptying words: Such we finde in that chapter, (v. 5,6, 7 .) To us belong fhame, and confufion of face, &c. thefe are the words we fhoultl take to our felves, and thus it is meet tokbe fail untoGod, whenfoever his chaflifements are upon us. Secondly Obferve. It is our duty to acknowledge it toGod, thathe bath ehafiened us, when he loath. We muff own his hand in affliaing us, as much as in profper- ing us, incalling us down, as much as in lifting us up, in wound- ing us, as much as in healing us ; It is meet tobe faid unto God, we have born chaffifenienr,thy hand hath been upon us. The new le& of, or rather obflinacy agamfl this, is charged as a great fin (Ifa. 26. 17.) Lord, when ch', hand it lifted up, theywill not fee; that is, they willnot acknowledge thymoR eminent appearances in anger againtl them. 'Tis fowithmany at this day,though there be a hand of God (as it were) vifibly affliling their bodies, and eflates, their children and families ; yet they will not fee, that k isa hand of God ;; but fay as the Philiflines, it is a chance, or, it is our ill fortune ; it is from the negligence of thisman, or from the malice of that other man. All this while there is no acknow- ledgement of the hand ofGod. They fay nor with Eli, (r Sam. 3. 18.) It is the Lord ; nor with David, (Pfal. 39, 9, so.) I was dumb, 1opened not my mouth, becaufe thou didfi it; Remove thy ,ltrokeaway from me, Iairs confirmed by theblowof thinehand. It is as much oar duty, andfor theglory of God, to confefs that our nf- flubEens areofGod, asour mercies andfavours. Thirdly Obferve. The chaftenings of God mull be born , they íxeug be endured; Many are chaff;fed whocannotfay they havebornchafiifoments It's anordinary thing to be under chaflifement,but its a great thing and requires much holy skill and fpirittaalnefs -to bear a chaflife ment 791