Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

79 2 Chap. 34. An Expofition upon the Bookof f o B. Verf.3 t; ment ; the duty of a Chriftian lies molt in two points. Fira indoing, or in aaiveobedience. Secondly in futfering, or in paflïve obedience, and there is as much of God, as much of grace, asmuch of holinefs , yea I may faymuch more held out in bearingand in fullering, then there is in acting or indoing. But you will fay, what is it to bear, that youmake it fo difficult a matter to bear chatiifements? How muff chaftifements be born? or what is it tobear them ? I will anfwer the queftion under two heads. Firft, Negatively, Tobear chaffifement isnot Firftt, meerly tofindeor feel it upon our fhoulders as a burthen whichpincheth or preffeth us ; fo a beat} may bear. Secondly, it is not a bearing meerly becaufe we cannot help it, or be ridofour burden, for fo the wora of men maybear ; they bear the greateff burthens that God layeth upon them, becaufe they cannot avoid them, nor eafe themfelves of them. Thirdly, It is not abearing ffoutly, or flightinafy, tomake no- thing ofit ; foproud men bear, men of unfubdued fpirits unto God, and his word, regard not what theybear, nor what God doth to them. Fourthly, It is not a bearing them fowrly or fullenly ; for fo difcontented perfons bear ; yea, fo the devil beareth the burthen which the hand of God hath laidupon him. Fifthly,Nor is it a bearing chaftifementfaintly or difpondingly; fo weakbelievers bear. To bear and faint, if net the Gearing of faith. Neither ofthefe are the bearing ofchaflifement which 8- lib/ intends in this counfel, when he faith, It is meet to bePaid unto God, Ihaveborn chaflifinent. Thus ye fee the Negative,what the bearing of it is not ? . Secondly, I anfwer affirmatively, To bear a chaftifement as an aft or work of grace, is Firft to bear itfenfibly; that is, feeling the weight of the hand of God, and tafting the bitternefs of that cupofforrow which he giveth us todrink. Secondly, 'Tis abearing of it fubmittingly, humbly, patiently, laying our felves down at the foot of God, and faying, as Eli did, Let him dowhatfeemeth himgood; or as David, (z Sani.r 5.26.) Behold, here I am, let him do to me as feemethgooduntohim. We never