Chap. 34. An Expofstion Ion the Bookof ] o B. Verf. 3 t. neverbear any evil of aflli&ionwell, till we can fay (with a fwee( refignation of ourfelves) to God,do withus what feemeth to the e good.. And (for our encouragement I may fay) nothing canhurt a gailyman which feemeth good toGod. Thirdly, 'Tis acontentful bearing, or a bearing contentedly ; Thus Chrifi fpake (PM. 4o. and 'cis cited by theApoflleHeh. o.) Lo, I come to do thywill, I amcontent to do it ; what was that ? It was to bear or fuffer ; the greateft part of what Chria was to do, was tobear or fuller the chafiifement'of our peace, (Ifa. S 3. s.) and infuffering to be made a facrifice for us; his contentment to do the will of God, was a conentment toPuffer. Of fuch a fpiric fhould the people of God be ; bearing chaftifement not onlypa- tiently, but contentedly ; this is hard, but this cannot be left out in thefull exercife of that grace. Fourthly, 'Tis to bear is- (more then contentedly) willingly how free was Chrift to bear, when he fail (ohu 18.1 1.) The cup which myfather.,hathgivenme, fhall I not drink it ? Surely I will, I amwillingtodrink it, though it bea bitter cup. Weare not to will our fufferings, but to futtfer themwillingly ; there is avail difference between thefetwo; I do not fay we are to will our fufferings,but wearto fuffer them willingly;wemull Puffer what, and how,and when,and how longGod will; and whenGod willerh our fufferings, we muff Puffer with our wills, or be willing to fuffer. Fifthly,To bearcharlifement in the fence here intended, is not only to bearit with our will,but with our affeótions,notonly wil- lingly, but acceptably, and embracingly ; 'cis to fay welcome croft, becaufe it is the will of God. There is no chattifement that we can rejoyce in, or have anyaffeólion to, confidered in is felf, but tobear chaftiferrient incontemplation of the will of God, fhould work ourhearts to an accepting, to an embracing, toa welcoming of it ; we fhould fay to all our fufferings, welcome, by thewill of God. Sixthly, 'Tis to bear it prayerfully; we mutt bear filently in oppohtiôn to complaining ; but we mull not bear filentlyinoppo- Gnon to praying. While chaftifement is upon our backs, fuppli- cations mutt be in our mouths ; andwe muff pray, fir(+, That we may feethe reafon why or for what caufeGod chafteneth us : Se- condly, We muff pray, that we may anfwer the ends which God I i t i t aimeth 793