Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 34. itin Expbfttton upon the Bookof J o 8. Verf. 3 r. 795 our interefl as well as our duty to bear his chaflifements. Yea,he is agracious, tender, and compaffìonate'father,and whenwe know he thatlayerh a handof affliction upon us, hath alfo a heart full of compaflion towards us, we fhouldwillingly bear his hand. Secondly, Chaflifements are tobe born in the manner direcaed, becaufe theyare for our good, and !hall wenot bear what isgood for us ?ÌIt ás goodfor me (raidDavid, Pfal. 119. 7 t.) that l {gave beenaffltl,led ; and fo the Apoffle (lieb. r z. lo.) For they verily for afew dales, chaffered us after their own pleafure, but he for our profit, that wemight be partakers of his holinefs. Chaflifements are for our profit, and fha11 not we bear that which is for our pro- fit ? If God fhould lay chaflifements onus for our hurt, meetly to vex us,& do put us topain,or meerly becaufe he delights inour fufferings,whocould bear them-? But itis meet tobear what God layesuponus, becaufe he doth it for bur good and profit. Thirdly, Wemull bear chaflifements in the manner (hewed, becaufe unlefs we bear them fo, they will do us nogood, or we thall have no profit by them, and that's a mifery indeed. To bear fmart, and finde no advantage comingin by it; to drink gall, and to have no fweetnefs come out of it; to endure lofs, and to have nokinde of profitby it is very grievous. Nowwhat ever cnailfe- ment is laid upon any, it doth themno good, and they can have no profitby it, unlefs theybear it as was before defcribed ; it is not the bare being affliooed, that doth us good, but it is the wife management, or theskilfuYbearing of it that doth us good ; and therefore we finde, that the Ápoffle (Heb. t z.t t.)when he had faid, There is noafflit ionjóyous fin-the prefent,butgreevous,'adds, Neverthelefi afterwards ttyeildeth the peaceablefruit of righteouf nefs, (but to- whom ? What to every one that is affli&ed, have they thefe fweet fruits ? No, but) to them that are exercifed there- by. Afflictions bring no sweet fruits to them-that have then-4 un- lefs they be exercifed by them : how exercifed ? Afflicions ex- ercife everyone that hath them; they are to all a paveexercife, but to be exercifed, notes here an atliveexercife ; they who gra- cioafiy exercife themfeives in afilie-ion,(hall without doubt finde benefit and fruit by affliction. 4 But fome may fay, what is it tobe thus exercifed by affliction ? I anfwer (for the opening of that Scripture) CO be exercifed, is, I iiii z