Chap. 3q.. An Expofitien upon the Book, of J o B. Verf. 3 i. 797 childe-bearing, (Cant. 8. 5.) I raifed thee up under theApple-tree, there thy mother brought theeforth,there the brought thee forth that bare thee. And again (Pfal.7. r4..) Behold he travelleth'with ini- quity, andbath conceived mi fchief, and brought forth falthood : It ltgntheth alfo inScripture to corrupt? or topollute, (Neh. 1.7.) We have dealt very corruptlyagainfl thee andhavenot kept the com- mandments, nor theflames, nor the judgements which thou cons- mandeff thyfervant Mofes. Todeal corruptly, or to do corruptly, what is it but tofin agamft or offendGod ? Every offence or fin, fpringsfrom the corruption of our ownhearts, and is a corruption of our wayes and manners. Both thefe readings, I will not offend, or, /wild not corrupt, meet in the fame fence ;, for to corrupt our wayes is tooffend, and to offend is-to:corrupt our wayes ; to do any evil is to corrupt ourfelves, or others. So then, the meaningNon tentttm in plainly is this, I will corrupt my wayno more ; the man in af- Piel,fed &in ffliclionmull fayto God in a deep fence of, andforrow for his for- Kali videturu- mer fins,offences, and corruptions, Iwill offend, I will corrupt nofurpari pro cow rumere, more. Now, comparing the former counfel with this; Obferve, zed i.u.7a4. Firf}. Job 34,31. 1)a í nafli fement isfor amendment. Dieu in toc. The evil of affi&ion is brought upon us,that we may takeheed of, and turn from the evil of fin, (that's intimatedby the connexi- on) therefore to go on offe.ndinf, while God is chafl:ening, is to add rebellion to our fin. It was the brandof Ahax. (2Chron. zR. 22.)in the time of hisdifirefs, hetrefpaffed yet moreagainf the Lord ; whereas being indifirefs, he should have faid to the Lord, I will trefpafs no more. Note fecondly. When God chafiens us, we fhould prom;fe amendment. We fhould tel God,we will him offend no more,we wil grieve. him no more, we will provoke him no mere, we will dishonour him no more ; the leali fin once committed is too much, there- fore we fhauld engage to fin nomore. But it may be quefiion'd, can any man make fuch a p-omife,or take lush anengagement upon himfelf, when under chafliîement,, that he will offend no more ? Isthat degree of perfeé "ion attain-; able in this life, to offend no more ? How then is this meet to be feud