Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

ßz798 Chap. ; 4. An E.vpo f tion upon the Bookof J` o B Verf. 31, Paidunto God, I will offend no more? Mull we promife things that we cannot perform ? Is there any man challened that offends not again ? faith nor the ApoM le lames, inmany things weoffend all ? Is it then meet tti fay this untoGod, Twillo f findno more ? Is it not finful tomake apromife not to fin? I anfwer, Fiil+, bywayof conceflion. No man may promife, what ever his chaflifementsare, that he never will fin at all any more, no mancan make any fuch promife,neither is thatthemeaning here; but he that is under the chaflening hand of God, may and mull, promife that he wilt not commit fuck, or fuck a fin any more ; e- ipecially not fuch a fin as he moll fufpeas ro have brought the challifement upon his back ; we may make promife againft parti- cular fins, though we cannot promife we will never fin. Secondly, We may promife, when weare under the chaflen- ing handof God, that we will offend no more, in fuch a manner as we have offended formerly,fo foolifhly, fo vainly,fo negligently ; we may and muff promife tobe more watchful,that we finnot the fame fin again either for matter or manner. Thirdly, When chaflened, wemay fayunto God abfolurely, we will offendnomore,with refpe& to the purpofe ofour fouls; that is, we muff lay afide all purpofes of committing any fin ; yea we may,we mutt tell the Lord,'tis the delireand purpofe of our fouls, tis our cyme, and (hall be our endeavour to offend nomore.The cyme ofevery true believer isnot to fin, though (in this world) it be not tht attainment of any (r lohn 2. r.) My littlechildren, theft things writeIunto you, that yefan not : As if the Apofile had Paid, I would fain wyndeup your hearts tofuch a pitch, that you maynot fin at all ; But ifanymanfn, we have an Advocate with theFather ; I know you cannot but fin, yet let it be your care not to fin, andyour prayer ro offend nomore. And how fhould we biefs the Lord, if we could live without fin, and be for ever rid of it ! we fhould with a thoufand times more CO be quit of fin, then 'affiaion ; thus we muff fay untoGod, we will offend no more. Fourthly, though we cannot promife, or take upfuch a refolu- don abfolurely, nor inour own flrength, yet we may and ought in the ffrength of Chriff, or tothe urmofl of that firength and grace, which he gives out, and befloweth upon us. shall have occahon to fpeak further to this pcinr, from thofe Words