0 ; á 62, Chap. 3"2. An Expoftion upon the Bookof J o t. Verf. g. Math: a t . 16. ) Thou haft perteffed prayfe ; one might thinke, Surely God will take the aged, the learned and great for his praife; no, he ordaines praife to himfelfe our of the mouths of babes and sucklings, that is, out of their mouths who in all natu- turall confiderations, are no way formed up nor fitted to fhew forth his praise. ( Ife. 3 2.4.) The heart ofthe rafh ( or bah ) fhall underffand knowledge. Heady and inconfiderate perlons, whole tongues ( as we fay ) run before their wits, thaIn then be grave, advifed, and ferious, both inwhat they doe, and (as ir fol- loweth ) in what they fay; The tongue of the flammerers fhall f eake plainly, that is, cleare words with cleare reafon ; or they lhali fpeake well both in matterand forme , right things rightly. All this the Lord Both that he may honour himfelfe, and lift up his owne name only , which alone is to be lifted up. Neverfeare toput GM emptyveell to It fullfunraine ; no matter how empty the veffell be, if the fountaine be full : God delights in broken weake and empty creatures , that he may mend , ftrengthen, and fill them. There is a fpirir an roan Lin weuk.ç man ] and the Infpiration ofthe Almighty giveth them underflanding. Elihu having 4'ewed the original of mans wifdome to be from God in this f,th verte, makes an inference from it in the 9th ; 7heinfpiraeion of the Almighty giveth underftanding ; And what then -? iurely even hence it cometh to paffe,that, Verf. g. Greatmen are not always wife , neither doe the aged underftend judgement. It is well conceived by tome Interpreters, that the Apoflle doth more then allude to, even cite this text (i Cor, t. 26.) You feeyour CuiTho Brethren, how that not many wife men after the flefh, not manymighty, not manyNoble are called. IfGod fhould chufe only or moftlywife men, they would be ready to fay, we are chofenfor our wifdome ; If he fhould chufe and call only or mefily rich men, theywould be ready to thinke, we are chofen for our riches ; If he fbould call onlyortrof}ly Kings andPrin- ces, they would conclude, we are called for our Greatneife ; Therefore the Lord pafheth by moll of thefe, and calleth the }iflerman, calleth the poore man, the ignorant man, and faith, You that have nothing, you that -( in the efteeme of the world )