8®o Chap. 34. An,Expoftion upon the Book, of J© B. Verf.3t. Further, as this latter claufe is tranflated, Iwill corrupt no more. Note. Firft, Sin ís a corruption. We (hall do well to look upon fin in all its notions, to make it loath:cm to us ; this is one notion of it, fin corrupts every thing and prrfon it bath to do with. Firit, Sin is the corruption of our nature, the whole mat's of mankinde, and the whole of every man is leavened by ir. Secondly, Sin is the corruption of our converfation, and of our way, (Gen. 6. t I, t z.) God lookedupon the earth,and behold it was corrupt, for all flefh had corrupted his way upon the earth. Mofes warns the people of Ifrael againft finupon this ground, (Deur.4. it 6.) Left ye corruptyour felves, andmaneyou agraven image, read Ppd. 53.1. Hof. 9.9. Zeph. 3.7. Zech. 3.7., Thirdly, Sinning is the corrupting of the Commandments of God, a finner as much as in him lyeth makesvoid the Law. Fourthly, Sinning isa corrupting of the Covenantof God ; yea force kinde of finning isa corrupting the blood of theCovenant, or a counting the blood of the Covenant as an unholy thing (Heb. to. z9.) though theblood of the Covenantbe in it felf infinitely above all corruption, yet findothwhat it can tocorrupt it. Laftly, Some render, it is swseet to befaiduntoGod, I have born Ideo adDeum shafii fiment,I will not break; which we may underftand twoways. dici glebes' per- Firft, I will not again bre4theCommandment ; fo it falls in with fero,non dip our Tranflation, I willnot offend. Secondly, I willnot break;,; that naval. Bez. is, thòfe rods, or bonds of challifement that thou haft laid upon me ; as if he.lhould fay, Lord, thou haft bound me in thefe fet- ters of aflíic}ion, and Iwill abide thy pleafure under them, I will nor ftrive, but fubmir, I will not break prifon, but'wait thy time for my deliverance. Hence Note. we muff bear,not break, thebonds ofour afiblion. Some (like flubborn children under the.chaftening hand of a Parent)would even break away from God or like malefátlors, when under the hand of Juflice, they'would break prifon, knock off their irons, and get away. As the wicked do, and fpeak con- cerning the bands andcords ofGods Gomnaandments,(Pfal.z.3.) Let