8b2 Chap. 34. An Expoftion upon the Book of J o B. Ver 3 to to breake the bandsof afllic`lion ; better. dye in atiliEtion them fin your felves out of aftliaion. L'et God who hash laydthe bur= then upon you, take itoff, or elfe lye under it Rill.. Thus much S'ed ad c7eum for thefe twocounfels given 3-ob by Elihu;; It is metre to be fayd forrem, qui di- unto god, Ihave bornechaftifement,_.and, it it mama to defàyd unto cit condono,non God, I will offend no more ; there is yet a third thing to be fayd e vua é } unto God,-which Elihu hives alit) inçounfel, that which Ifee not cendu e teach thou me ;: Bur, before I proceed to that, I fhall a while con Zgood video to fide' another tranflation of the verfe already opened, very Con- eme,fini- uftent with the Original text, and much Infifted upon by fome . quitate ón learned Interpreters, as being full of Gofpel fenfe, and very flti- usf, ritual waiter., According to-this fecond reading the words run rilcrl, thus serf. 3I. But to theÁlmighty-God whofaith, I forgive, I wilt not defiroy; It ought to be faid, be sde what I fee, teach thou me, if I have done Iniquity, I will not proceed to doe it. The difference of the rranflation is very evident and eminent ; vie read thus ; Surely it is mette to befayd to god,I have bornecha-- ftifement, I will not offend anymore. This tranflation faith, But to god whofaith Iforgive, &c. It ought to defayd,$rc Brough- ton,is exprefs for this tranflation,rendring the text in thefewords; Now. unto the:omnipotent whichfaith , I pardon, I'wtll not dej7ray, this(hall befaid, what Ifeenot teachthoume, &c. As the words according to our tranflation contain an humble and a very gracious acknowledgement of the Chaftening hand of God, and mansp:omife of reformation; foaccordingto this they containe a moft precious defcription of the moft gracious difpo- ftion of God, fpeaking two things of himfelfe toman. Firft, As pardoning. _ Secondly , As not defraying. From this double difcovery of God, a 'double duty is inferr d , incumbent upon man. For God having thus declared himfelfe ready to forgive fin, and loth to deftray (inners , every firmer fhould be induced to fay thus ro God ; I feemany of my fins, and I believe I have many fins more which I feenot ; therefore, firfp, I begofthee, O God, that thou wort' ouldeft (hew me what I fee.not, and , fecondly, that thou isouldefír keepmefor ever fromdoing or committing agaaine that evil/ which thoe(haltfhew,me or caufe me tofee. Thus the 3ad'verfe is an In- ference.