Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

goo Chap,. 34. In È.xpofîtion upon the Book. of o B. - Verf,31, fitfensent. The word chaffiferrent, as was (hewed before, is not exprefly-in the text, but fupplyed, tomake our the fenfe, by our tranflaters : I have born, what ? thy hand, thy chafiifement. Secondly, It fignifies allo topardon, or toforgive; I (hall re- ferre ycu to one Scripture, in which that word is ufed inboth there fènfes ( Gen: 4. t 3.) And Cain faid unto the Lord , my, punfoment is greater then I can dear; that's the text, but if you read the margin of ourlarger Bibles,, that faith , My iniquity is greater then that it may be forgiven, or pardoned; the text faith, mypwo4meiit ; the margin faith, my iniquity; the fame word fig- niheth both fin the caufe, andpunifhment the fruit. Againe,there the text faith, My punifhínent is greater then I can bear; and the margin faith, my iniquity is greater then that it can be forgiven So that according to the text , the words are Cains complaint a- gainft the juiceof God ; that he dealt over-rigoroufly with him, My puni fhment is greater then I can bear. And according to the margin, they are a defcriptionof his defpair of the mercy ofCod, myfin is greater then that it may beforgiven. And as we find the word ufed in that place; both for bearing, and for pardoning ; So . in feverall other places it is tranflated by pardoning; take but one In(iance in the Pfalms , where we find it tranflated twice in the fpace of a few vertes to forgive or pardon ( Pfal: 3s. t.) Bleff et is the man whole iniquity isforgiven. And again, u, 5th, I Paid I aril[ confeffe my iniquity, and thou forgavefl the iniquity ofmy fin.; SoÎhat,though there be a different verfion and tranflacion of the word in this text ofScripture ; yet itis fuch as is confonant to the ufe of the word in other Scriptures, and alto to the truth of the whole Scripture. Yea, we know that in our Englifh tongue, to bear witha man,, fignifies to forgive him his prefent fault, or not to punif }1 him and ufe extremity againfi him for it. And therefore according to the exigence of any place, the word may be tranflated either way,, and here it may be fafely taken in both. But to Cod who faith, I forgive,I will not deftroy, it ought (or it is meete) to tePaid, »hat Ifee not teach thou me. Elthu-according to the readingnow before us, brings in God thus fpeaking, yea even boafling thus ofhimîelfe,,I forgive, or t pardon.. Hence-