Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 54. An Expofition upon the Book "of J o B. Verf.3 t. Hence note. Firtl ; It is Gods owneprof èfon ofhis Drone felfe , that he is a fin- pardoning God.. And God doth fo much fay or profeff this of himfelfe, that when he was entreated by Mofes to thew him his glory, this was the chiefe thing which he fayd of himfelfe (Exod: 34, 6, 7. ) ®And theLordparedbeforehins,andproclaimed the Lord,the Lord God mercifall andgracious, longfuffering and abundant in good- nefe and truth, keeping mercyfor thostfands, forgiving iniquity, tranfgreffîon andfin. Here's my name ( faithGod) if you would know how I am called, or what I wouldcall my fenfe, this is it 1 ama Godforgiving inryuity, &c. And as God pardoneth fin, fo there is none in heaven or in earth that pardoneth like him, that lath fuch a name for pardon. as God hath (Mie: 7. 18. ) who is a God like unto thee , pardon- ing iniquity, &e. Thegods of the Earth, that ic,.Kings and Princes give pardons, and to doe fo is the fweetefl and choycefl flower in the Crowne of Princes, and they ufually flew their Greatnefs by this a&of grace when they come firf} to their Crowne and exer- cife of their foveraigne power. The Princes or gods of the Earth can pardon, but ('tis no difparagement to put that quellion) Can they pardon like God ?no; their pardon is no pardon in comparifon of Gods pardon ; yea their pardoning is a kinde of condemning compared with the pardoning grace of God. The pardons which Kings give are but the fhadow of his pardon, who is King of kings(Ifa: 43. 25. ) I, evenI am he that blotted) out thy mini: greffîon. As if he had laid, I am he , and there is none elfe ; this glory is proper to me, and none can partake with me in it , nor will I give this glory to another. All fins are committed a ainft God, and (in a fenfe ) againft him only, therefore only to he par Bonedby him. Who canremit the debt but the Credito' ? (P(al. 57, r.) Á ainfi thee, theeonly have J finned. What debt foever we run into by any fin committed againft man , God only is the Creditor. All that men can doe , is but to forgive the trefpaffe againfl themfelves ; fo farre as man is wronged, he may, yea he- ought to forgive, as Chrifl teacheth us to pray ("Math: 6. i 2. ) Forgive us our debts, acweforgiveour debtors. All that we can for- give is only the trefpafs done to our felves,, and foforbeare per-- . lonall 8o5