Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

8o8 Chap. 34. An Ex iofition upon the Book,of J o is Verf. 3i, While there was but a holy refelveupon his heart ro confef e his fin, the pardon of it was given him. The holy hiflory of his fin and. of Gods mercy affureth us, that the word was no fooner out of his mouth (z Sam: 12.13 ) 1 have finned but inflanrly Nnal an laid , The Lord loath put away thy fin. Though God doh not pardon of courfe, yet he is in a continual) coude of pardon.; therefore Mofes prayed ( Numb: 14. I 9.) That God wouldpardon the people according to thegreatnefs ofhis mercy, and as hehad forgiven themfromEgypt until) then. As if he had fayd, Lord, thou hail been pardoning all along from the very ftrfl ftep .we tookourofEgypt to this day , thouhaft exercifed abundance of pa- tience, long-fasffering andmercy in pardoning this people, now Lord pardon us , as thou haft done from Egypt to thisday ; doe not flop thyails ofgrace. The very firff aed of pardon flands for ever, he that is once ardord, is aiwayes pardon'd : yet there are day- ly renewings ofpardon, and frefh aels ofit every day. Fourthly , The word render'd topardon, fignifies to take away ; as to beare a burden upon our felves ( according to the former tranflarion ) fo tobeare, or lift it off from anodaer. Hence Note. Pardon w the taking away, or the bearing of finoffrom its. An unpardoned foul hash' a burden of fin upon him ready to break his back, yea enough to breakhis heart, were he fenfible of it ; the Lord by pardon takes this burden off from him. David fpeaks of his fins under this notion of aburden, (Pfal.38.4.) My fins are goneover myhead, they are a burden too heavie for me to bear. Yea fin is a burden too heavie for the fl'rongeft Angel in heaven to bear. But pardon eafeth the foul of that burden, theunburdening of the foul : Hence allopardon is called the re- moving offin, (Pfal. 103. t 2.) Thou remaveJl ourfinsfrom us, as faras the Fall isfrom the weft. Pardon removes fin even to the utmofl diflance, fuch is that ofthe Eafl from the Weft. Pardon is called in another Scripture, the calling of fin behinde God - back Ufa. 38. 17.) Thou haft caft all myfins behinde thy back,Ye when Godby, pardon takes fin fromoffour backs, he doth not on- ly call is behinde his owne back, but he layeth it upon theback of his Son. Sin muftlye, fomwhere till it is fatisfied for ; therefore pa don takes fin off from us, and layeth it upon Chril+, Ufa. s 3. 6.)