Chap. 34. 4n Expofition opon the Books[J o B. Verf. 3t. 809 6.) Hehath laid on him the iniqoilies ofus alt. While fin is un- pardoned, we bear it ; and that it might be pardoned, ;Chrif+ bath born it (t Pet, z. 24.) He bare oor fm in his body on the tree, Para'oned fin is taken off from the finner, and laid upon Chrift ; and he can do well enough with ir, he can bear it, and difcharge it fully, none elle can : Indeed heaps of fin lye on the fouls of fome finners,and they feelthem no more thena fly:what's the reafon of it ? Becaufe they are dead intheir fins, and nothing isa burden to a dead man, throw a thoufand. Milli ones upon him, he feels none of them : but a foul that is awakened, that hath but fo much life put into ir, as to feel a convictioncf fin, O how is that foul prell.and burden'd with the weight of fn ! Yet till par- don take fin off from the foul, there it muff lye, there it muti a- bide ; therefore Chrifi faith, (iohn 9. 41.) Becaofeyefay yefee, Maur fin remains ; What's that ? Yott are unpardoned, your fin is upon you fill ; you thinkyour felves very wife andunderftandin, you thinkyou can do well enough without me, therefore your ?In remaineth ; that is, it stands in full power and force again(}you. Fifthly, Here areno conditions ; God faithnot, I pardon up- on fuch and fuch terms, butI pardon, Hence Note. God pardons freely, he lothnot clogpardon: with hard terms. 'Tis the gloryof God that hepardons freely. The pardon of fin maybe conlidered, Firft, In the Decree of God from ever- lafiing. Secondly, In the Execution of his Decree; which is, when anyare effeeivally called and converted. Thirdly, As to the manifeftation and Declarationof it to the perfon pardoned. A. poor finner may be unpardoned in his own fence, or in the Court of ConCcience,when he is pardonedin the Court of Heaven.Now as pardon is freein the Decreeof it, fo in the Execution of it, as alto in the Declaration of it to the foul ; for though fdmthing, yea much muft be done in the foul before pardon is declared, yet nothing is deferved, all is òf°freegrace. God dorbnot manifeff pardon till man repents and believes ; yet heBothnot pardonhim becaufa he repents and believes. It may be obje&ed,Surely there is fomrhing in us which proves God to pardon, for faithnot Chrift of Mary (Luke 7. 47.) gr- ny 'finsareforgiven"her, for floe loved much, Hence Papifts argue, L 1111 that