Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 34. An Expofitton upon the Book of ] o B. Vert. 31. 814 makealive ; I wound, and I heal ; ncitheris there any that can de- liverout of myhand. God cloth not fay 1cannot, but ',will not de- f roy; (James 4. a 2.) There is oneLaw-giver who is able to fave and to deftroy : There is but one fupreamLaw-giver, and that's God : and this one Law-giver is able to Cave and todef}roy.There are many Law-givers that are neither able to fave nor to deftroy ; or if they be able to deftroy, they are not able to fave. Men in authority, or worldly Powers,have not power alwayes to alk their 'authority, but there is one Law-giver that's able to fave and to des}loy ; he can fave thofe that obey his Lawes, and def}roy all thofe that tranfgrefs them ; he is too ftrong for the ftrongefl (in- ner there is no making peace with himby oppofingor overcom- ing his t}rength, but by takingholdof ,hisftrength, that is, by fus-. :nutting to it, (Ifa. 27. ç.) Secondly Note. To forgive fin, or to thew mercy tofanners, is an off to which God declares himfelf moreenclin'd, or better pleated with, then to deflroyftnners. Every one thatfinneth deferves to be deftroyed ; yet faith the Lord, 1pardon, l will not deftroy ; I could def}roy, and any one fincommuted by anyman would luf}ihe me againfl all the world in his deftrue}ion : Every month me beftopped,and all the world become guilty before God upon that account, (Rom. 3. r g.) yet God Bothnot dertroy. And that he hathno content,in def}roving, he binder it with an Oath (Ez.ek, 3 3. I r.) As I live faith the Lord, I have nopleafure in the death of the wicked, &c. as if he had Paid, I annot bent upon your defiru&ion, I had rather be taken off, and fave you, I pardon, I will not defiroy. If any (hall fay, HathGod nopleafure in def}ru&ion ? Hathhe not awill todef}toy as well as to fave ? I anfwer, God hath pleafure indef}roying, but it is in the de- ftru ion of thofe who obflinately refill his Will, who refute both his counfel and hiscovenant ; . to fuch indeed he faith (Prov. r, 26.)Iwill laugh atyear calamity, and mock, when your fear (that is, the thing you feared) cometh,ae defolation, &c. That, the men in whofe calamity God laughethare fuck, is evident by th'e char rader given of them at the z5tkverfe,, rehave let at nonght all myangel, andwould noneof my reproof. As ifGod had faid, you L 1111 z have