8 i z Chap. 34. An Expofition upon the Book, of J o B. Verf.3 r, have laughed at my counfel, therefore I will laugh at your Gala- - inky. The Lord will declare himfelf delighted in their deflru- &lion who have defpifed infiruelion and he will glorifie himfelf in theaaings of his Juflice upon them, who have flighted and put by the tenders and entreaties of his mercy. Yet 1ìi11 God de- clateth himtelf more pleàfed in.a&ingand putting forth his laving power, thenhis def}roying power. The Prophet (Hof r r. 8, 9,) moll pathetically reprefents, as it were,a debate in the bread of Godhimfelf between hisJuflice and his Mercy ; How (hal1I give- theeusr, Ephraim ? Flow (hallI deliver thee, Ifrael ? How ¿all I make thee as ,dmah ? How 'hall I fet thee as Ze6oim f Mine heart is turnedwithin me, my repenting . arekindled together ; (y. y.) 1 will not execute the fiercenefs of mine anger, I will not re- turn todeflrey Ephraim. We feeafter the debate, the Lordde- termines for fparmg, not for deflroying. So then, thoughhe can, and will notonly deflroy,but laugh at the deflru&ionof obflinate fnners, yethe loves to fpare rather then todeftroy. Thirdly, From the connexionof thefe two, pardoningand fpa-- ring mercy, God faith firfl, Ipardon , and then fecondly, Iwill: not deflroy ; who are they,whom Godwill not deflroy ? theyare are . fuch as he pardons.. HenceNote. 'Pardonedperfonslhallnever bedefproyed. As foon as Nathan had faid toDavid, theLord hathput away thy fin, the very next word is this, thou fkaltnot dye, (2 Sam. 12. 1 3.) if Davids fin had not beenpardoned,Daved muff have SMblata cola dyed for it. 'Tisa Logical Maxime, When the Castle is takena tofltz1tYe epN'Teref0 e wn God taken akes away fin, which is thenaule,}rdefiru¢ &lion the ef'e&muff needs be taken away too; pardon deflroy eth fin; therefore how can they that are pardoned be del/toyed ? Pardon fwallows up fin. As the Apoflle fpeaks of, life, (z Cor. ,5. 4.)Yhat mortstlitymiQht be fwalfowed up of life ; Here, mortality fwallows up our livesby degrees, but hereafter mortality (hail be fwallowed upat once of life ;.Now,as life (hall then fwailow up morta!ity,fo pardon at prefent fwalloweth up fìn;fnr as in our glo- rified flare there faall never any thing of mortality appear, fo in apardon'd efiate, nothing of f.;n'thail appear as to hurt us. Sin pardoned: