Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 34. An Expofitioa upon the Book_ of o B. Verf. 3 t. pardoned cannot be found, (fer. ço. zo.) Ináthofedayes, and in that time faith the Lord, the ioiqurtyof Jacob 'hall be fought for; and there fhall be nose, and the fins of Judah, and they 'hallnot be found,; .why not ? The Lord anfwers, for I will pardon themwhom I referve: And if their fins fhall not be found, furely they 'hall tot be found guilty, and therefore notdeflroyed : Godmaycha flen themwhom he hathpardoned, but he will not 'deflroy thole whom he bath pardan'd ; pardoned perfonsmay fmarr, .and fmart greatly for fin, but they (hall nor dye eternally for ir, they fhall notbe del-frayed for it. David -was pardoned, yet God told him, the fivord fall never depart from thy hosafe ; and the Lord told him particularly ofalore-deflru&ion upon a part of his houfepre- fenly ; becuufe by thisdeed thou hail grveogreat occafson to the ene- mies of God to blafphtme,(rhou being a Profef<for,haff opened the mouths ofthe wickedagainfl profeflion) therefore (though thou (halt not dye, yet) the childe ul fo theat is bornunto thee(hall fiare-' lI dye. There are two things which the pardonof. fin takes'a v y. the power or reigne of fn where-ever fin is pardoned,. the. flrengthof it is fubdued. God dochnot pardon fin as Princes do they may pardon an evil doer, and yet he f}ill remain as evil and as ready to do evil asever ; they may pardon a thief, and yet he continue to be a thief fill ; but ifGod pardons a drunkard,. an adulterer, or a thief,, he doh not remain a drunkard, or an adulterer, ora thieffill ; Cod takes away the power of that fn 'which he pardoneth.Secondly, The pardonof fin takes away the. punishment of fin ; it may leave force chaflifetnenr, but it wholly, takesaway the punishment. The Popifh doïfirine faith; the fault is takenaway bypardon, but there is a commutation of the pt-» nifhment, eternal punishment is changed into temporal, either in this life, or that to come ; hence their doarines of Purgatory, and of Prayer for the dead, &c. all which fluf e comes inupon this account. They call allmen into three forts, force are Apo files and Martyrs, men very eminently godly, and they,go im- mediatelyto laeavèn ì there are another fort, and there are Apo- flares from, or perlecuters of the faith, no:o ious finners,..thefe . bo immediately to hell - there are a thirdor middle Co-a of ordi- nary finners,and they go immediately after death, neither tohea- vennor hell, but to .Purgatory, where they mull beat the puni+h - nnenL bI 3