8L4 Chap. 34. An Expofation upon the Bookof J o 8 Verf. 31. nient of their fins till they canbe prayedout : Chrifl bath onlygot fo much favour for them (fay they) to change their eternal pu- nithment into a temporal. The grace of the Goipel knows no- thing of this Dotrine ; that tellsus when fin is pardoned, all is pardoned, both guilt and punifl-imetir, both temporal and eter- nal, nothing remains but only chaflifement ; how forely foever a believer fuffers in this life, yet firi&tly taken,it is but a chaftife tnenr, and there remaineth nothing for him to fuller in the life' which is tocome. And if fo, then Pardon of fin it a precious mercy. 'Tis fo, Fith, Becaufe it proceeds from the precious mercies ofGod. Secondly, Becaufe it comes thorow the precious blood of Chrift, (Col. I. 4.) Thirdly, Becaufe it opens adoor to all precious mercies ; as fin unpardoned with-holdsall good things from us (for. S. 2 i) fo fin pardoned opens the door for all mercy to flow inuponus. Chriif laid to the lick man (Match. 9. 2.) Be afgood cheer, thyfins are forgiven thee. Fourthly, It is a precious mercy, becaufe it flops and 'keeps of all evils and judgements flrialy fo called, I .forgive, I will not del?roy. Our comforts cannot (landbefore the guilt of fin, and ourtroubles cannot Hand long before thepardon of fin ; (Ifa. 33. 24.) The higheft wrath of God appears in this, whenhe will nor pardon ; and it argues the greateffdifpleafure of man againfi man, when he prayed} that he may not be par- doned. That was a moll dreadful prayer of the Prophet, (Ifa.2. :9.) 7he.mean man is boweddown, and the mighty man humbles himfet,, therefore forgive them not ; here was a prayer that they Might not be forgiven ; and the groundwhy he prayed fo, feems tobe as firange, as the matter of it was dreadful. Isit a fin to be exceptedfrom pardon,to fee amean man bow down,and amighty man humble himfelf ? The meaning is, they bowed themfelves not toGod, but to idols ; all bowing and humbling our felves ei- ther to worship an idol, or in idol worfhip, is rebelling again#( Gad. We have a like prayer (f er. t S. 23.) the Prophet having token of the plots and devifings of the people againflhim,rurns hitnfelf thus toGod, Thou (Howell all theircounfel toflayme, for- give not their iniquity, neither blot theirfin from thyfight. Nothing can bewifbt worfe to anyman then this, that his fin may never be pardoned. And here it may be queftioned, how the Prophet ctuld makeEach a prayer, which feems to have the height of all uncha-