Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 34. An Expoftion upon the Boot,, of J o B. Verf.3 1. uncharitablenefs in it. I anfwer, lira, The Prophet was led by an extraordinary Spirit to do this. Secondly, We are not to conceive that theProphet prayed for their eternal condemnation, but that Godwould call them to a reckoning, and make themfeel the evil of their-own doings. There is a fin unto death , for the pardon of which we are not to pray, (1 Sohn 5. 6.) yet there is no fin about which we are to pray that it may never be pardoned. The woríl prayer tint can be made againfl any man, is,that he maynot be pardoned ; and there is nothingbetter robe prayed for then pardon. It (hewed the height of Chrias love, when hangingon the Crofs,he prayed thus for hisenemies, (Luke 23. 34.) Father, forgive them, they know not what they do ; And the Protomartyr Stephen breathed out a like fpirit of charity, while he was breathing out his life (in a fhower of Hones powred uponhim frommore ilony hearts, Ac7s 7. 6o.) with this prayer, Lord, laynot thisfn to their charge. Thus, I havefinifhed this 31th verte, both according to our ownTranflation,and that other infifled uponby manyofthe learn- ed ; only from the connexionof this verfe with the next, accord- ingto the latter reading, (To God whofaith Ipardon, I will not deftroy ; it fhould bePaid, that which I feenot teach thou me, if I have done iniquity, Iwill do nomore.) Obferve. 7he very confiderationthat God is ready to pardon fu, fhould make us refolvedagainJJ the committing of fin. The fin1ardoning mercy of God, is one of the highefi and inofl fpiritual arguments by which the foul is kept from fin. There sa forgevenefs with thee (faith David, Pfal. i 3o. 4.) that thon mayft be feared ; that is, becaufe thou art fo merciful as to for- give finners, therefore they ought to fear thee, in doing what thy will is, and in avoiding whatfoever is contrary to thy will. 'Tis propheted, that frame of fpirit (hall dwell upon the people of God in the latter dayer, (Hof. 3..5.)T'hey!hallfear the Lordand hisgoodnefs; that is, they (hall fear to offend the Lordbecaufe he `7'farem ho is fo good, and ready topardon. It was Paid by a Heathen (and xttrort Dect- it may fharne many who profefs themfelves Chriflians, that a hea- igr,ofeituros, thenì laid fo) if I didknow that menjñ®uldnever know the evil wh:'ch tamen non fa Ido, and that the gods(fo he fpeaks in theirlanguage) would par- cehem.. Seaí. 815