Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

816 Chap. 34. An Expoftion upon the Book of J o B. Verf. 3a don and forgive the evil which I do, yet I would not do it. Surely, the fpirit of a true believer mutt needs rile thus high, and high - er, upon the clear grounds of Gofpel grace, and difcoveries of the tree love of God. Cannot atrue believer fay, though I know that Godwill pardonmy fin, though he bath declared that my fin is pardoned, and though I could be allured that men ihou.ld never know of this fin, if 'commit ir, yet I will not do it. To God who faith 1pardon, it fbeuldbePaid, Iwillfin nomore. I flzall now proceed to the 3 ad verfe,which Rands fair to either reading. 'Verf. 3 i. flatwhich 1fee not, teach thou me ; ifI have done iniquity, Iwill do no more. Some carry the general fence of there words, as if fpoken by God himfelf to Job, and fpoken by an irony, or in fcorn, as if he had thus befpoken him ; 1f I have afflicted thee beyond thy defert, Si quid me fit- or haveoverthrown thy judgement (that Job had (more then once) git into afti- complained of,) if I have not kept to the true rules of reafon and quid fr rrghteoufnefs inehaflening'thee ; if in mydealings withthee Ihave done amifs, or have not done thee right ? Show me wherein (O Job) me to vexando per- andI will afflict thee fo no more. I (hall not Ray upon this, but psram egi vol take the words according to our Tran(lation, as the whole verfe nuuJiemeha- intendsa further defcription of a perfon deeply humbled under, flbur, ecero non ultra, ou and fenfible ofthe hand,the challening,the afílioing hand ofGod ; id - owe, merep, who having Paid (with refpe6t to all known fins) in the former verfe, I will offendno more, faithhere in this verfe concerning .all unknown fins, That which Ifeenot, teach thoume; astd if I have done iniquity, I will do no mare. That which I fee not. There is a two-fold fight ; rid}, Corporal, the fight of the bodily eye. Secondly, Intellectual, the fight of the eye of the minde, or of the underRánding ; when eau reprefents the pe- nitent afflict ed person(peaking thus, What I fee not, &c. he in- tends not a corporal fight but an intelleetual.Seeing is here (asof- ten elfewhere inScripture) put for knowing : the underflanding is the eye of the foul. How blinde and dark are chore men,who.have nounderfianding in the things ofGod! (Eph.4.t 8.) WhenChri(} had