Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 34. An E.tpotiitian'upon the Bok of J o B. Vert. 3 2. had fayd, For judgement am I come into the world, that theywhich feenot might fee, and that they whichfee might be made blinde' forne of thePharifes faid unto him (fohn9. .r. ) are we blitute alfo ? ( have we no eyes:?) pluslaidunto there Ifye were blinde, ye fhouldhave no fin, but now ye fay wefee, thereforeyour fin re- maineth that is, your fin remameth upon you in the rower and guilt of it. In that fenfe allo Chrift ufeththe word ( Math: a 3. 14. ) Hearing yefhall hear, andnot underhand, and.feeingyefoall fee,and not perceive; ye foall haveonly fuch aknowledge of God, and of the things of God, of his word;& ofhis works,as will be of no other ufe to you , then to leave you without exeufe. Seeing ye full fee but not perceive ; ye {hall have a fruitlefs andan unprofi- table fight. That which Ifee not ( or have nÓunderftanding of ) teach thou rite,is the prayer of thehumble foule.But what were thofe things, which he feared or fuppófed he did not fee ? Thofe unfeene things might be of three forts: Firf+, Thofe fins which .hedid rick fee ; and thofe in a double notion, either cotruptions dwelling in him,or evills acedby him. What corruptions, or what tranfgreffions I fee not, acquaint me with, ánoynt mine eyes that I may fee them. Secondly , Thofe favours andmercies which he did not fee ( we have-many mercies'which are not `known to us, or ofwhich we take little, yea nonotice at all) chofe good turns,which I have received and have not been thankful! , or have not improved and Made futable returns for them, (hew thou me. Thirdly , Among the things not feene we may number the jurpofes, aitne, andends of God, in laying thofe chaftifenients npon A`s,if he had fa)'d ,' If' have not yet apprehended what thou drivelt atinmy affliCton, fhew irme; I beg and heartily defire á difcovesy ofit. And ifI have at-led uuduely ,with,refp41 to thy aimes in chaflifing me, I will doe fo no more. The ails of God are plaine, but his aymes lie clole and are not perceived, but by an enlightned, yea, and avery attentive eye. That which I fee not, &c.' Hence obferve ; Firft. Theéhoycefl fervanttofgodmay' 6e much in -thedarke á¢òáìt andfhort in the knowledge of many things ,which it much-con- , them toknow: ' M m m m m Though t