Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

gl 8 Chap.34. 4e Expof tieaa upon the Book of J o B. Verf.3 2:. Though every believer bath an eye , and an eye open to fee the things ofGod, the things whichconcern his peace, yet the clearefl;.- figured among believers knowbut in part ( Cor. i 3.9) We all know,but we do not know all.Thofe wordsof the Apofile may have. a twofold underflanding. Firfl, we know, but a littleof any thing, that which we knowwe have.. but a part. of it in out knowledge'.; in this life we know nothing rhroughly ,. nothing to thebottome, no not,common principles. David faith ( Pfal. 119, 96.) I have Peen an endofall perfeo`lion, but thy. comtnaadement is exceeding broad;There is fuch a perfection in thy commandement, that I cannot fee, nor can anyman come to the out-fide of it in this world. And as the holinefs of God in the Law isexceeding broad, fo there is ahight, a depth, a length, and abreadth in the . love of God revealed in the Gofpel , which exceedeth all our knowledge. (Eph: 3.19. ) Thatyemayknow the Cove of Chrif which paffeth knoraledge, &c. We know but a part of that loveof God, the fruits and eifecTts whereof are all our portion. We are. not able to comprehend, though we labour to comprehend the breadth and length and depth and height of it. Our meafure of loving God is to love him out of meafure ; but 'cis a very (mall meafure of the Iove ofGod to us which we can know. Thus we. knowbut little of that we know. Secondly, We&inory inpart , that is, thereare many things which we know not at all, we have no knowledge offorce things, which may be fully - knowne. Though we know many of our ensand corruptions , yet we have fins and corruptions which we know not of ,( Pfd. 19. 12. ) Whocan soderfland hie error f Who can underfland the errors of his un- derflanding ? who canunderftand the errors of his will ? who can underhand the errors of his arfecicns ? who canunderfland the errors ofhis a&ions ? who canunderfland them all ? yet they are all underflandable. There aremany errors in all thefe,:which we know not to beerrors, therefore we have needeveryone ofus to pray asDavid there did,C'ogle thou me-frommyfecret faulrs.Frona fecret faults in my underflanding, from fecret faults in my will and aff'ectiòns, in my practice and converfation. The fecret faults which he asked pardon for were not thofe faults which he had committed in fecret, or which ocher tenknownot of; . but thofe . faultswhich were fecrets to hirnfelfe,orwhich himfelfe knew not of Further, we, know not our faults; Fitt+,, either in reference tom,