Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 34. AN Expofition upon the Boon, of Jo s. Verf.3`s. 819 to the doingof evill, or fins ofcommif iion.; nor Secondly, in re- ference to the not doing of good or fins of omitfion ; nor Third- ly, doe we know our faults in reference to the manner of doing that which is good. Though we doe not quire omit aduty,yet we faile many times in the doing of it. We doe littleof thegood which we ought, and littleof thegoodwhich we doe is doneas it ought. We have fecret.fins not.only ofcommitfion in doing that which is evill, and of omil ion in not doing that which is good, but allo in doing good.There aremany flaws and errors inour doing of that which is góod, which,thoughweperceive not,yet the pure eyes of God perceive. Sothen , as we fee- not all our errors in omitting du- ties, fowe fee not all our errors in performing duties ; to fee them requireth a fpirituall fight indeed. Many can fee when they omit a duty altogether, andcharge themfelveswith a fault for it, but our faults in performance of duty, in prayer, in hearing none take notice of them,but they who have a fpiritual eye,nor do they alwayes take notice ofall of them, nor fully of anyofthem at any time. We are much in the darkabout thefe errors which accom- pany our holyduties. The iniquities ofour holy things aremany, and they'lie very clofe.We may quickly and eafily fall into then, but we cannot eafily'difcerne them. For , Firft, though weperforme an a& of worfhip, of Church- worihip of inflituted worihup, right for the fubifance,yet we may mils and erre in feverall circurnflances, and not come upexactly to the outward performance of it. Secondly, much moremay we run into errors and faults in the performance of duty,as to the in- ternal'. part of it or that frame of heart with which a dutyis to be performed. We feldome , I may fafely fay, w:: never come up to that zeale, to that felf- abafemenr, to that faith, tothat love anddelight which should be in us when we approach to and ap- peare before God in theduties of his holyworthip,whether pub- lick orprivate. The bell of Saints come farce fhort ofknowing all theevill and faylings of their evill and deceitfull hearts, while they are engaged about that which is good., how much more are they fhort inthe knowledge ofGod ; and therefore what reafon have we to fay, as Elihu here dire6s the penitent foule to fay; That which I know not teach thou me. Secondly, .Note. Mmmmm 2 le