Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 34. An Expofition upon the Book of Jo B. Verf.32. 82I through ignorance, &c. hefhall bring has fiicrifice. He muff make an atonement for his fin of ignorance. And wehave further di- reelions about offerings for fins of ignorance-, when they are dii- covered and made knowne to the finner himfelfe. (Lev: 5. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.) Then (faith the Law ) he fhall heguilty, that is, if when he knoweth his fin, he doe not performe what the Law requireth, in fuck cafes,then he is not only ceremdnially but morallyguilty, as anegle&er if not as a defpifer of the ordinance and appoynt- ment of Godfor his cleanfing. That whichI feenot teach thou rime. The words are a prayer for divine teaching. The teaching of God is two-fold; Firft, Immediate by his Spirit ( John14.26.) The Spirit which is the comforter pallcameand teachyou all things. And againe (1 John 2. 27.) The anoynting (that is, the Spirit ) which ye have received ofhim, abideth inyou : and ye need not that any man teachyou ; that is, ye need not reft in, or pin your faith upon the teachings of man; as you mutt not defpife, fo ye need not depend upon the infhruetion of man.Secondly,There is a,me- diate teaching, God teacheth bymeanes, inftruments, and ordi- nances. Firft, by the miniftery of his word ; Secondly, by the works of his hands. He teacheth, Fiat, by his works of creation Secondly, by his works of providence, they areour mafters,tutors and inftru&ers. Nowwhen thispenitent perfon prayeth, Teach thou me we may underhand him ofboth thefe teachings. Fir-a', of immediate teaching bythe Spirit, who is the anoynting. Se- condly,,of teaching bymeans, by the preaching of the word of God, and by his providences ; in what way foever God is pleafed to teach us, our hearts (hould Rand open to receive inftru&ion. Andwhat wayfóeverwe receive inftru&ion,it is God that teach, eth us.Though menbe the inftrunients,yet the etfett is of him. Hence Note , Firfi. God only is able to teach or thew to the things which we know, not. Men alone cannot. Chrift faid to his Difciples, whenbe corn- iniff;oned them,.(1Matih; 22. i9.) Go teach all Nations. And (Eph 4. i t.) Whenhe afcended upon high, he gave fome eApo- ffles, andflueProphets, and fame evangeliffs, andforge Paflors and Teachers ;