822 Chap 34. An Expofitien -upon the Bookof J o B. Verf.32, Teachers ; yet no Teachers can bringhone infiru&ion without the teachings of God. The tenour of the newCovenant runs thus, (Ifs. 54. is.) ill thy childrenfhall betaught of the Lord. And again (pr. 3t. 34.) They (hall teach no -more everyone his neighbour, &c. that is, they (hall not be left to the teachings of man : or the reaching of "God fluai! be foglorious, that all (hall acknowledge it; though there be inflruments, yet the flowing forth of the fpirit fhall be fuch, that inaruments and means (hail be little taken notice of. For when he faith, they fall not teach everyone hisneighbour, it isnot an abfolure Negative, but (hews that there (hall bea more excellent teaching ; as when theApo- Ole faith (2 Cor. 3.6.) Chrifl bath made us able Miniflers, not of the letter, but of theSpirit; This Negative is notabfolure, for the Apoflles did teach the Letter, and the Spirit is ufually con- veyed by the Mini(lery of the letter, or of the external word theword is(as it were) thechariot wherein the Spirit rideth, and cometh/by the ear to the heart. So that, when Paulfaith, We are oi-i i/yers not of the letter, &c. his meaning is, we are rather;or we are more the Miniflers of the Spirit then of the letter. The inward teaching accompanying our Minif}ery,carryerh the matter, both for convi&ton and converfion, both for illumination and con- folation, not the outward teaching (fohn 6. 45.) Every mat therefore that hath heardand learnedof theFather, cometh unto me; And how long foever we go toSchool to men, how long foever we fit under the Minifiery of the ablefl Gofpel Preachers in the i orld, we come not toChrif1 till the Father teacheth ; till he joyn his inward teaching to the outwardteaching of the Minifler, the light and life of grace is not received. Itis God who teacheth effeEtualiy,men teachbut inflrumentally.Thus it wasprophefied of the Gofpel times (Ifa. 2. 3. &Micah4. 2.) ManyNations fhall come andfay, Come and let us go up to the Mountain of the Lord, and to the Houfe of theGodoffacob,andhewill teach us ofht's wayes, and we will walleja hispaths, that is, he will accompany the Mi- nifiersand meffengers ofhis wordwithhisSpirit;he will impower them from on high, and.fo we thall learnhis Statures, and under- Randhis wayes. David afcribes evenhis-skill in Military affairs to Gods teaching, (PM. 144.1-) Blefed be the Lord, myßrength, who teacheth my hands to war, andmy fingers to fight. God only reached' a man powerfully to be a good Souldier. Surely then,it is