Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 34. An Expoftion upon the Bo& of j o B. Verf. 32. 823 is God only who teacheth us robe goodChrif+ians, to be Belie- vers, to be holy. He.hath his feat in heaven,who teacheth hearts onearth. Secondly,As thefe words hold out to usthe temper ofan hum- ble firmer ; Note. A gracious humble foul is teachable, err iá'willing to be taught. As it is the duty of the Miniflers of the Gefpel to be apt to teach, that's their fpecial gift, or charaeleriflical property ; fo 'tis the peoples duty and grace to be apt to be taught; to be willing to be led, and inhru6fed naturallyweare unteachable and un tra6table. Aswe know nothing of God favingly by nature, fo we are not willing tò know ; wewould fit down inout ignorance, or at moll in a form of knowledge. To be willing to learn, is the firff, or rather the fecond flep to learning,,. The lira is,a fight of our ignorance ; and the fecond, a readinefs tobe taught; - and en- tertain the means of knowledge. Thirdly, The words being the form of a.Prayer ; Note.. It isour duty to entreat theLord.earnefily thatbe would teach ato what we know 'tt It is a great favour and amercy,; that God will teach us, that he will beour mailer, our Tutor. Now, as we are toask and pray for everymercy, fo for-this, that God would vouch(tafe to be our Teacher, (Pfal. 2g. 4,` 5.) Shewme thy-eayes,.OLord, teachrne thypaths ; ,Lead me art thy ,truth,,,and teEtchime.; "David: fpake . it twice in prayer , Lead me,: and'Téah me.,:, Lead -;meon in the truth which I know, and teach me the.truths which I know nor, So he prayeth a ain, (Pfàl z 19:26.)Teach me thy Statutes,isake me to underhand the way.of thy-precepts. Davidwas convinced that he could not underhand the .Statutes f God;, unlefs :God'. would. be his Teacher ,,;hough,helcoU141read-tfie Statutes of God, and underhand the language,9f:thgrni, rye ;he-;did, not'undatfland the Spiritof them till he Was;,ta,ugh (arid taught) of God,,and' therefore he prayed foearnef}ly,, once and again, for his teaching When a'hil' , tit that queflìonxo he P,ui uch -(446); $ ,30:;),í Z'*z- derfiands. thou what thoureadefl t Hefa'd,how can I excepi.fgnge man