Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap: 34. An E.tpafitton upon the ?ookjf J o E. Nerf. 32. $25 If I have doneiniquity, Iwilldo ne more. But whylath he fayy, If 1 have ? &c. Had he an any doubt whether he had done ini- quity or no ? every manmuff confefs, down right,that he bath fin- ned, and done iniquity,without ifs or an's. Solomon havingmade fuch a fuppofition in his prayer at the Dedication of the Temple, (r Kings 8. 46.) If they finagainl thee) prefently puts it into this polition, for there is no man that fnneth not. The Apof(le con- cludes, (a John r. 8.) If we fay we have no fin, we deceive our felves, and the truth is not in us. Therefore, this, If I have done iniquity is not to be underflood as if this or that man, as if he or a- ny man might be without fn _; but when the penitent is brought in , Paying , If I have done iniquity ; his meaning is , Firll', What ever iniquity I have done, I am willing to leave it,to aban- don ir, I will do fo no more. Secondly, Thus, IfI have done iniquity, that is, if I have done any great iniquity, if I have a&- edperverfenefs, or perverfiy, as the word fignifieth, I will do fo FerverfaIere... no more todo iniquity is more thenbarely to fin. As ifhe had faid, though I cannot promife that Iwill fin no more ; yet, Lord, if thou deft difcover to me any iniquity, any grofs fin or perverfenefe, I will do that no more, I will engage my Pelfagainft that fin with all my might; and to the utmofi of my power, by gracereceived, I will keep my feltpure from every fin. If 1have done iniquity. Hence Note. Firfl}, Agodly man bath agracious fufpition of himfelfthathe bath done evil, yeafame great evil, that he bath done ami fs, yea greatly wrap, though he be',not alile to charge himfelf with this er that-particular iniquity. He knoweth he hath finned :& done evil,though heknower!) not every evil he bathdone, norhow finfúlly he may have finned; he doubts it maybeworfe with him then he feeth.Poffibly.he loath done iniquity. job in reference to hischildren (chap. i..) had an ho- ly fufpition that in their feaflingthey might fin againfl Qod; he knew no fin they had run into, nor could charge them with any excefs ; but he was jealous they had finned ; nor did.Job (peak thus, as if his meaning were, that poffibly in their feáfîing fame corruption might work in them, (he knew theteis:no man in the befl duties of his life wholly freed from the workings of fin);btt he had this jealoufie, that they might havefallen into fame great Nn nn n fin,