Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

82.6 Chap. 34. An Expofition upon the Book, of 3 o B. Verf.32.. fin, and fo. provoked God greatly againfl; them, therefore he did- ( as it were )way-lay fuch guilt , and early fought reconciliation with God. As Job was thus jealous of his children, fo agracious heart,though he cannot charge himfelfe with this or that evill, yet he is apt to fufped} his ovine heart,and may be worfe with him, then poffibly, it is. Secondly , When he faith, IfI have done iniquity ; This hum. ble man , though he doth fuppofe that he might have done quiry, yet hedoth but fuppofe k. Hence note. erfsodlyman may live freefrom thedoix1 ofanygroffefin. He Both not put an ifupon it whether he had finned or no,bur, whether he had done iniquity.. Zechariah and Elizabeth were not without fin , but they did no iniquity for, faith the text ( Luke I. 6.) They wereboth righteous before God , walking inall the commandementsand ordinances ofthe Lord blameleffe.. Ircan- not be imagined but that the people of.lfraelfinned, yet (Nam; 23. ar.) Godtaw no iniqooity inJacob, nor perverfeneffe in Ifrael, Theremay be fuch a time in the Church when thepeople of God have no intquiry,no provocation tobe feene or found among them. Though a Godlyman cannot deny but hebath finned, yet he can affirme that he bath not indulged himfelfe in any fin. If I have. done iniquity, L will doe no more; The Hebrew is, Iwill notadié. We render, twill doe no more. As if he had fayd If upon tryall , it be found that I have done iniquity,yet I will not adde iniquity to iniquity,I will not goe on, I':will not perfifi, nor proceed in iniquity. I will not take a Prep more in any waywhich God (hall difcover to me tobe an evill way. If, I am out ofthe way,I will nor goe on in my way., Hence obferve. Firft, e/fgodly penitent perfon isrefoluteagainff fn; His will is let againfl it ; I will doe nomore..I (hewed in open- ing the former verfe (It is meete tobe fayel unto god,,I haveborne shafttfement, I will offendno more) in what fence agodly man may make.fudiapromife, or fay, I willfinno more ; here I fay, Agodly- . man