Chap. 34. An Expofition upon the Bookof J e s. Verf. 3_2. 117 man is rejolute againfin, efpecially .ogainfi greatfins. As acarnali moan hash but very weake refolves for the doing ofgood, he bath ( asforce expreffe it) but a velleity, fomewhat like a will to doe that which is good ; fo a carnal man makes but weake refolves againfl evill, he bath not a fetled will, but a kind of noleity againft it. He makes force flourifhes of profeflion againft it , but he is not refolvedly ingagedagainft it ; whereas a godlyman is refolute both as CO the doing of good , and the not doing of evill. If a godly man might havehis will, he would never fin more ; And as a Godly man waiteth joyfully for that flareof glorywherein he (hall finnomore ; foa refolution to fin no more, bath, as I may fay,fomewhat ofglory in it. In glory we fhall finno more, and where grace is in truth, that foule would gladly be rid of fin, and finno more. A godly man is refolved againft all angodlineffe.; and this is akind of entrance into glory. Again , Whereas the penitent man faith, I will le no more. Note. Continuance in any knownefin ( for, faith he, what I knew Hat teach thou me) or in that which is made known to to to hefin-. full, is inconifient with true repentance. Repentance for and continuance in lin, cannot confifl in the fame fubje&1. This is the voyce ofevery'gracious foule, I would not fin any more, or I would not continue any longer in fin. To fin is common to man, but to continue in fin, is proper to awicked man. To erre and faile that's humane, but to perfevere inerror is diabolicall. Sinwill continue in us while we continue in this world ; but they that are not of the world, doe nor, will not con- tinue in fin, how long fo ever they are in the world. Sin may be confidered three wayes. Firi, as remaining in us ; Secondly, as referved ; Thirdly, as prefervedby us. There is fin remaining in the bell of Saints on this fide heaven ( Rom: 7.2o, 21, 22, 23, 24.) Sin is referved only in carnal men , they fave their fins, and would be faved, not frombut in their fins. Sin is preferved or maintained and defended in the word of wicked men. Sin is heightned to the utmofl, where 'tis not only retained, but main- tained andpreferved. The Apoillehaving doled the fifthChap- ter of his Epiftle to the Romanes, in the triumph of Gofpel grace, That as fin bath reigned Hatodeath, fo grace might refine throngs N nann z rigb-