1}215 Chap. 34. In Expofition upon the Book of j O B. Verf.32, ,+ighteonfnefe unto -eternal! life by fetusChrifl our Lord, begins the next with a prevention of the abufe of this Grace ghatfhall wefay then, 'hall we continue in fin that gracemay abound? Clod- forbid. Howfhs:ll we that are dead tofin, live any longer therein ? How canwe continue in fin, that are partakers of Gofpel grace ? Sin will continue in us, but we cannotcontinue in it. The cluefli- on iaiplyeth a kind of impoífibiliry. We were once dead in fin, but+now weare dead to fin, how then can we live or continue in it ? ?erfeverance is either our heft or our wort. To perfevere is heft when we perfevere ingood, and to perfevere is worft when we -perfevere inevill. It is bad tobe or doe evill, but it is worfe toabide in evill. The firft bell is not to fan, the next bell is not tocontinue, norlodge in fin , no not. for an houre. ; Paul fayd in another cafe (Cral; 2. 5. ) To whom we gazeplace by fubjetlion,, no not for an honre; We fhould not give place to fin, no not for a minute, but refill it to the utmoft, and totally difplace it, if we can. Laftly, From the ,Hebrew elegancy, which faith, I will not gdde, Note. eilgodly man may commit fin afterfan , but he cloth not adds fin to fin. When hehadr committed any one fin, he breaks it off and-de- dellroyeth it by repentance. He doth not adde fin to fin,becaufe the fin formerly committed is deftroyed by repentance. His for- mer fin is taken off the file before he ads a fecond, who hear- tily repenteth of the'firfl, and as heartily refolveth not to com- mit a fecond.. Such aman doth not run a round of finning and re- penting , though he finneth after the bath repented. Daniel gave that advice to:Nebuchadnezzar ( Dan: 4. ,,) Breakof f thyfns by righteonfneffe, and thine iniquities by'hewing mercy to thepoore. Ifthou repenteft iMeed,the fn that cometh after will not be ad- ded to thy former, becaufe that is done away through Grace. A godly man ( according tothe former poynt) would nor adde or commit another ad of fin to his former ; as it is fayd of fudab (Gen: 3 8. 26. )who had committed folly with Tamar, Heknew her lameno more. Though his fin was great , yet doubtleffe his Nan was humbled,and he returnednot tohis former fin.But the wicked.