Book 830 Chap. 34. An Expo Lion upon the of J o s. Vetf,; 2, fayd toSamuel, wheit they were brought to a fight of their fin (t Sam: t z. i y.) We have added untoall ourfins this evil to ask us a King. They refu fed the Lords government, and asked a king in the pride of their hearts, and foadded fin to fin. Thus cis fayd of Herod ( Luke 3. 20.) That to all his evill deeds, head- ded this, that hefhut up John in prifon. And as there is an adding of feverall kinds of fin, io of feverall alts of the fame kind of fin, oath to oath , and adultery to adultery, and wrong- dealing to wrong - dealing ; this day force oppreilè their brethren, and the next day they doe the fame. O let fuch remember what additi- ons the Lord will make to them , he will adde punifhment topu- nifhmenr,he will adde the fame kindofpunishment feveral times, he will adde fword to fword, and famine to famine,and peflilence to peflilence , and he will adde punifhments of various kinds. The Prophet reportswhat various or (if I may fo fpeake) hetero- geneal kindes of fin men added and &rung lip together. ( Hof 4. 2.) Byfwearing, andlying, andkilling, andflealing, and commit- ring adultery, theybreakout andblood toucheth blood. Surely, God will make blood touch blood in a way of punithment,as men make blood touch blood in a way of fin. The adding of fins makes an addition of plagues. when fehoiakimthe King heard the roll read, he threw it into the fire andburnt it( Jer: 36.) but,could he burne or make an end of the threatnings ? no (v. 32. ) And there were addedbetides unto them many like words. It is fayd (Rev: .2.s. t 8.) Ifanyman (hall adde unto thefe things, Godfhall adde unto him the plagues that are written in this booke. Toadde any thing to the holyword of God, is as finfull as to take from the word, or ada- gainf4 it. God canadde plagues as fall as menadde fins. When fin is added to fin, then guilt is added toguilt, and punishment to punishment. Take heed of this addition, refolve with the pe- nitent fouk in the text; If1 have done iniquity, I will adde no more. J s