Chap. 34 An Eapotrion upon the Boob, of J o B. Verf. 33. 8 3 t J OB. Chap. 34., Verf. 33, 34, 35. Should it be according to thy mind ? he will recoin- pence it whether thou refufe,or whether thou chufe, andnot 7 : thereforefpeakwhat thou f¿noweft. Let men ofunderfianding tellme, and let a wife man hearken unto me. jobbath fpoken without knowledge, and his words were without wifdome. TN the Context of thefe three verfes Elihu doth chiefly there. two things. Fira, he appeales to the Confcience ofJob (v.33.). Should it be according to thy mind?ask thy felfe whether it should be fo, yea or no. Secondly, he appeals to the judgement ofJobs- friends yea ofall wife and underfianding men , concerning what fob had fpoken,, or whether he had not fpoken unwifely, in the 33d and 34%verfes; Letmen of underfianding tell me, and let s. wife man hearken unto me. job bath fpoken without loowledge,. and his words were without w:fdome, The fcope of Elihu in thefe words is yet further to humble Job,, and to provoke him to repentance for his inconfiderate fpeeches. YetElihu doth not call Job to repentance upon the famegrounds or termes as his three friends had done. They moved him to re- pentance uponthe Confideration of his former wicked life , as they fuppofed ; but Elihu moves him to repentance upon the Confideration of his imprudent and rath. fpeeches under the a&- fliCling handof God. Verf. 33. Should it be according to thymind ?& This verle is delivered in as much variety;as any text thorow=Sionrnesléfifo out the whole Book; and as a learned writer upon it concludes ; nes verfones Ifwe feouldftay upon alt` the various readings, tranftations, and in- snterpreratio nes perfeguere terpretations ofit, we fhould rather darken then enlighten,, rather u<, piu* terse- entangleboth hearers and readers, then unfold.the text. There arebrawn pan at leaf( fix diflin5 tranffations of this verle , which I (hall paffe lucù afferemme. only with the naming of them , and then proceed to. open the fined: words as they (land in our ovine; which comprehends the fumme aiad