Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

$ 3 Z Chap. ; . An Expofition upon the Book, of J o B Verf. 3 3 and fubftance of what is held out in moil of them. Firil , Some give it thus ; Should he reward it according to thy mincie, though thou haft defpifed theone, and chofen the other , yet will not I , therefore fpeakywhat thou knoweft. As if he had fayd, iihy fioaild God reward him, as than wouldeft have him doe' it ? Though thouhaft refuted to fubmit to Gods mercy, and haft called for jiiflice, yet I dare not doe fo. If thou know better teach me. Secondly, Another thus; Should it carne from thee, how he fhou/d recompenceit, when thou haft refutedhis correEtton ? but thou fhalt choufe and not I, ti.erefore fpcakewhat thou knoweft, The fence of which tr'anflation may be thus reprefented ; Shouldeft thouwho haftfinned, and refufeft to be correEted , teach god how he fhould corre/i thee ? Thou mayeft thinl¿.,efo, bat I doe net, fhew me better if thou can't. Thirdly , Should that comefrom thee , which he will puni/h ? I fpeak it, becaufe thou haft refuted Gods correftioa, becaufe thou haft chofen that which I would not. Now(peak what thou knoweft, As if he had fayd ; why fhouldeff thoufpeak againft Gods proceedings, to bringfarther troubleupon thee ? myde./,'re of eafiñg thee is thecastle,' why Ifpeak thus ;I fhould nevér have accufedGod as thou haft done, ifI hadhen fo handled by bim. But if thou haftany thing to ex- cept againft what Ifay,fpeak freely. Fourthly, Did fuch afpeech come from thee ? He will recom- pence it, that thou haft reje/ted him ; But thou choofef this way and not I : now fpeak what thou knoweft. As if Elihu had thus ex- prefled himfelfe to fob ; I never heard theefpeak fo humbly , ou I babe taught thee ( v. 31, 3 2. ) SurelyGodwillpuni fh thee, becaufe thou haft fpoken proudly againft his proceedings with thee. But this is nothing to me, who likenot offuch courfes. If thou can't defend thy fel,*e, (o doe. ttr ergo (has Thus Juntustonne&ing thisverle with the former, wherein is oratio profetla !hewed what a penitent perfon fould fay to Clod, trarifates and efrnts a tea re- e , expounds the whole to this fence Now therefore con 4'er pdet 1}lud fire- p ; f d , haft eveYi, (f,,; thou fpoken inInch amanner, furely God mill recompence It to thee, c oration if ikon refufeft to fpeak fo, ( thus he deterreth him by the confide- titi,&c. Jun: ration of the event, or of what might follow upon his refufal, and then hedeterreth him by his owne example) but if thou choofeft to doe etherwife, true/y I will not. ( Thou fhalt goe alone for me ) Now thenfpeak what rhos thinkeft. Fifthly,